ChatIntents provides a method for automatically clustering and applying descriptive group labels to short text documents containing dialogue intents. It uses UMAP for performing dimensionality reduction on user-supplied document embeddings and HDSBCAN for performing the clustering. Hyperparameters are automatically tuned by performing a Bayesian search (using hyperopt) on a constrained optimization of an objective function using user-supplied bounds.
See the associated Medium post for additional description and motivation.
Installation can be done using PyPI:
pip install chatintents
Note: Depending on your system setup and environment, you may encounter an error associated with the pip install of HDSBCAN (failure to build the hdbscan wheel). This is a known issue with HDSCAN and has several possible solutions. If you are already using a conda virtual environment, an easy solution is to conda install HDBSCAN before installing the chatintents package using:
conda install -c conda-forge hdbscan
The chatintents
package doesn"t include or specify how to create the sentence embeddings of the documents. Two popular pre-trained embedding models, as shown in the tutorial notebook, are the Unversal Sentence Encoder (USE) and Sentence Transformers.
Sentence Transformers can be installed by:
pip install -U sentence-transformers
Universal Sentence Encoder requires installing
pip install tensorflow
pip install --upgrade tensorflow-hub
The below example uses a Sentence Transformer model to embed the messages and create a model instance:
import chatintents
from chatintents import ChatIntents
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
all_intents = list(docs["text"])
model = SentenceTransformer("all-mpnet-base-v2")
embeddings = model.encode(all_intents)
model = ChatIntents(embeddings, "st1")
Creating a ChatIntents instance requires inputs of an embedding representation of all documents and a short-text string description of the model (no spaces).
Methods are provided for generating clusters using user-supplied hyperparameters, from random search, and from a Bayesian search.
clusters = model.generate_clusters(n_neighbors = 15,
n_components = 5,
min_cluster_size = 5,
min_samples = None,
labels, cost = model.score_clusters(clusters)
To run 100 evaluations of randomly-selected hyperparameter values within user-supplied ranges:
space = {
"n_neighbors": range(12,16),
"n_components": range(3,7),
"min_cluster_size": range(2,15),
"min_samples": range(2,15)
df_random = model.random_search(space, 100)
Perform a Bayesian search of the hyperparameter space using hyperopt and user-supplied upper and lower bounds for the number of expected clusters:
hspace = {
"n_neighbors": hp.choice("n_neighbors", range(3,16)),
"n_components": hp.choice("n_components", range(3,16)),
"min_cluster_size": hp.choice("min_cluster_size", range(2,16)),
"min_samples": None,
"random_state": 42
label_lower = 30
label_upper = 100
max_evals = 100
Running the bayesian_search
method on a model instance saves the best parameters and best clusters to that instance as variables. For example:
>>> model.best_params
{"min_cluster_size": 5,
"min_samples": None,
"n_components": 11,
"n_neighbors": 3,
"random_state": 42}
After running the bayesian_search
method to identify the best clusters for a given embedding model, descriptive labels can then be applied with:
df_summary, labeled_docs = model.apply_and_summarize_labels(docs[["text"]])
This yields two results. The df_summary
dataframe summarizing the count and descriptive label of each group:
and the labeled_docs
dataframe with each document in the dataset and it"s associated cluster number and descriptiive label:
Two methods are also supplied for evaluating and comparing the performance of different models if the ground truth labels happen to be known:
models = [model_use, model_st1, model_st2, model_st3]
df_comparison, labeled_docs_all_models = chatintents.evaluate_models(docs[["text",
An example df_comparison
dataframe comparing model performance is shown below:
See this tutorial notebook for an example of using the chatintents
package for comparing four different models on a dataset.