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CohPy is an easy-to-use pure python pipeline, to measure textual features and with them assess textual comprehensibility. Currently CohPy is usable for two languages, english and german. It supplies a crawl feature for the gutenberg project, and two categories of additional texts. The great advantage is its open source code and thereby enabling additional implementations/modifications of scores and languages.

Target group

The aim of this project, is to supply everybody, working with texts and text comprehension/cohesion, to have a tool at their disposal.

Get Started:

  • Some of the scores require additional dependencies. If those dependencies are not available, the remaining workflow is still operational!
  • The installation of the TreeTagger is also necessary (
    • Alternatively, a different POS Tagger and Lemmatizer can be used, by changing the implementation slightly. The relevant function can be found at Helper/, called POS_tagger.
  • Clone github repository
  • install all necessary dependencies (conda env create -f environment.yml)
  • running the application:
    • It is recommended to keep the folder structure suggested below.
      • Otherwise quite some paths have to be adapted
    • make sure that your current working directory is at the same level as the script
    • As mentioned earlier, this tool provides a download possibility for the gutenberg project, although this is not possible from a german Network address! (at least in March 2021)
      • Note that this process requires 10h
    • with bool variables, it can be checked, which folders should be processed.
    • If some of the dependencies are not given, set them to None (for each language where it is applicable)
  • for specifics, each function is labeled as what its input is and what it does

Folder Structure for the data folder:

  • save additional dependency files in the Score_files folder
    • Affective_Norm_LANGUAGE_IN_2_LETTER_CODE.csv
    • Word_Frequency_LANGUAGE_IN_2_LETTER_CODE.csv
    • Connectives_LANGUAGE_IN_2_LETTER_CODE.csv
    • Sentiment_v2w.vec - using SentiArt, contains english and german words
  • If no changes are made, the Gutenberg data is saved to a folder Gutenberg, containing the metadata file and a subfolder txt_files, where the Gutenberg Project Books are saved into, with their ID as identifier.
  • Extra_books and New_documents folders contain a subfolder for each language (also with LANGUAGE_IN_2_LETTER_CODE)
  • ML Results is generated to save all results of the Classification/Regression Task
  • The Result files of the scoring pipeline are saved at the target_paths for the categories (can be set at the main function) default location is data/

Adding new Scores:

  • Implement the score
  • import into the script
  • place at an appropriate position/end
  • add the results to the result_dict

Adding new Languages:

  • Add new Tagsets: see
  • Import Tagsets in the Pipeline (at "Load Tagsets from" )
  • Add the dependency for the treeTagger
  • call the main function, with the respective additional language specific dependencies