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Starred repositories
get things from one computer to another, safely
『京墨』开源的中华文化宝典 APP,诗(词)文(名句)、汉字、成语、词语、歇后语、绕口令、传统节日、传统色、节气、人物等。
Minimal, self-hosted, 0-config alternative to ngrok. Caddy OpenSSH 50 lines of Python.
A collection of (mostly) technical things every software developer should know about
The most powerful and modular diffusion model GUI, api and backend with a graph/nodes interface.
Easy P2P file transfer powered by WebRTC - inspired by Apple AirDrop
Linux, Jenkins, AWS, SRE, Prometheus, Docker, Python, Ansible, Git, Kubernetes, Terraform, OpenStack, SQL, NoSQL, Azure, GCP, DNS, Elastic, Network, Virtualization. DevOps Interview Questions
An open-source, lightweight note-taking solution. The pain-less way to create your meaningful notes. Your Notes, Your Way.
Comfortably monitor your Internet traffic 🕵️♂️
A Java server-side recording and playback solution based on JVM-Sandbox
Real - time non-invasive AOP framework container based on JVM
Scanner for decks of cards with bar codes printed on card edges
Docker container for managing Nginx proxy hosts with a simple, powerful interface
JuiceFS is a distributed POSIX file system built on top of Redis and S3.
🌐 🔌 The MetaMask browser extension enables browsing Ethereum blockchain enabled websites
A latent text-to-image diffusion model
📝 Performant plain text editor for iOS with syntax highlighting, line numbers, invisible characters and much more.
FinRL: Financial Reinforcement Learning. 🔥
🔥 Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.
an easy-to-use dynamic service discovery, configuration and service management platform for building cloud native applications.
Alibaba Java Diagnostic Tool Arthas/Alibaba Java诊断利器Arthas
阿里云计算平台DataWorks(https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/137663.html) 团队出品,为监控而生的数据库连接池
光 HikariCP・A solid, high-performance, JDBC connection pool at last.
A real-time 3D digital map of Tokyo's public transport system
This repository started out as a learning in public project for myself and has now become a structured learning map for many in the community. We have 3 years under our belt covering all things Dev…