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Ray integration for Dagster.

dagster-ray allows creating Ray clusters and running distributed computations from Dagster code. Features include:

  • PipesRayJobClient, a Dagster Pipes client for launching and monitoring RayJob resources in Kubernetes via KubeRay. Most suitable for submitting long-running jobs (via external Python scripts) with no direct Ray access from Dagster code. Allows receiving rich logs, events and metadata from the job. Implemented for the KubeRay backend.

  • RayResource, a resource representing a Ray cluster. Interactions are performed in client mode (requires stable persistent connection), so it's most suitable for relatively short jobs. Provide direct Ray access from the Dagster Python process. It has implementations for KubeRay and local (mostly for testing) backends. dagster_ray.RayResource defines the common interface shared by all backends and can be used for backend-agnostic type annotations.

  • Miscellaneous utilities like @op, @job and @schedule for managing KubeRay clusters

dagster-ray is tested across multiple versions of Python, Ray, Dagster, and KubeRay Operator. It integrates with Dagster where possible.

Documentation can be found below.


This project is in early development. APIs are unstable and can change at any time. Contributions are very welcome! See the Development section below.


pip install dagster-ray

To install with extra dependencies for a particular backend (like kuberay), run:

pip install 'dagster-ray[kuberay]'



This backend requires a Kubernetes cluster with KubeRay Operator installed.

Integrates with Dagster by injecting environment variables such as DAGSTER_CLOUD_DEPLOYMENT_NAME and tags such as dagster/user into default configuration values and Kubernetes labels.

To run ray code in client mode (from the Dagster Python process directly), use the KubeRayClient resource (see the KubeRayCluster section). To run ray code in job mode, use the PipesRayJobClient with Dagster Pipes (see the Pipes section).

The public objects can be imported from dagster_ray.kuberay module.


dagster-ray provides the PipesRayJobClient which can be used to execute remote Ray jobs on Kubernetes and receive Dagster events and logs from them. RayJob will manage the lifecycle of the underlying RayCluster, which will be cleaned up after the specified entrypoint exits. Doesn't require a persistent connection to the Ray cluster.


In Dagster code, import PipesRayJobClient and invoke it inside an @op or an @asset:

from dagster import AssetExecutionContext, Definitions, asset

from dagster_ray.kuberay import PipesRayJobClient

def my_asset(context: AssetExecutionContext, pipes_rayjob_client: PipesRayJobClient):
            # RayJob manifest goes here
            # full reference:
            "metadata": {
                # is not required and will be generated if not provided
                "namespace": "ray"
            "spec": {
                "entrypoint": "python /app/",
                # *.container.image is not required and will be set to the current `dagster/image` tag if not provided
                "rayClusterSpec": {
                    "headGroupSpec": {...},
                    "workerGroupSpecs": [...],
        extra={"param": "value"},

definitions = Definitions(
    resources={"pipes_rayjob_client": PipesRayJobClient()}, assets=[my_asset]

In the Ray job, import dagster_pipes (must be provided as a dependency) and emit regular Dagster events such as logs or asset materializations:

from dagster_pipes import open_dagster_pipes

with open_dagster_pipes() as context:
    assert context.get_extra("param") == "value""Hello from Ray Pipes!")
        metadata={"some_metric": {"raw_value": 57, "type": "int"}},

A convenient way to provide dagster-pipes to the Ray job is with runtimeEnvYaml field:

import yaml

ray_job = {"spec": {"runtimeEnvYaml": yaml.safe_dump({"pip": ["dagster-pipes"]})}}

Events emitted by the Ray job will be captured by PipesRayJobClient and will become available in the Dagster event log. Standard output and standard error streams will be forwarded to the standard output of the Dagster process.

Running locally

When running locally, the port_forward option has to be set to True in the PipesRayJobClient resource in order to interact with the Ray job. For convenience, it can be set automatically with:

from dagster_ray.kuberay.configs import in_k8s

pipes_rayjob_client = PipesRayJobClient(..., port_forward=not in_k8s)



KubeRayCluster can be used for running Ray computations on Kubernetes in client (interactive) mode. Requies stable persistent connection through the duration of the Dagster step.

When added as resource dependency to an @op/@asset, the KubeRayCluster:

  • Starts a dedicated RayCluster for it
  • Connects to the cluster in client mode with ray.init() (unless skip_init is set to True)
  • Tears down the cluster after the step is executed (unless skip_cleanup is set to True)

RayCluster comes with minimal default configuration, matching KubeRay defaults.


Basic usage (will create a single-node, non-scaling RayCluster):

from dagster import asset, Definitions
from dagster_ray import RayResource
from dagster_ray.kuberay import KubeRayCluster
import ray

def my_asset(
    ray_cluster: RayResource,  # RayResource is a backeand-agnostic type annotation
    return ray.get(ray.put(42))  # interact with the Ray cluster!

definitions = Definitions(
    resources={"ray_cluster": KubeRayCluster()}, assets=[my_asset]

Larger cluster with auto-scaling enabled:

from dagster_ray.kuberay import KubeRayCluster, RayClusterConfig

ray_cluster = KubeRayCluster(
                "groupName": "workers",
                "replicas": 2,
                "minReplicas": 1,
                "maxReplicas": 10,
                # ...


This resource can be used to interact with the Kubernetes API Server.


Listing currently running RayClusters:

from dagster import op, Definitions
from dagster_ray.kuberay import KubeRayClient

def list_ray_clusters(
    kube_ray_client: KubeRayClient,
    return kube_ray_client.client.list(namespace="kuberay")



This job can be used to delete RayClusters from a given list of names.


This job can be used to delete old RayClusters which no longer correspond to any active Dagster Runs. They may be left behind if the automatic cluster cleanup was disabled or failed.


Cleanup schedules can be trivially created using the cleanup_old_ray_clusters or delete_kuberay_clusters jobs.


dagster-ray provides an example daily cleanup schedule.


These resources can be used for development and testing purposes. They provide the same interface as the other *Ray resources, but don't require any external infrastructure.

The public objects can be imported from dagster_ray.local module.



A dummy resource which is useful for testing and development. It doesn't do anything, but provides the same interface as the other *Ray resources.


Using the LocalRay resource

from dagster import asset, Definitions
from dagster_ray import RayResource
from dagster_ray.local import LocalRay
import ray

def my_asset(
    ray_cluster: RayResource,  # RayResource is only used as a type annotation
):  # this type annotation only defines the interface
    return ray.get(ray.put(42))

definitions = Definitions(resources={"ray_cluster": LocalRay()}, assets=[my_asset])

Conditionally using the LocalRay resource in development and KubeRayCluster in production:

from dagster import asset, Definitions
from dagster_ray import RayResource
from dagster_ray.local import LocalRay
from dagster_ray.kuberay import KubeRayCluster
import ray

def my_asset(
    ray_cluster: RayResource,  # RayResource is only used as a type annotation
):  # this type annotation only defines the interface
    return ray.get(ray.put(42))

IN_K8s = ...

definitions = Definitions(
    resources={"ray_cluster": KubeRayCluster() if IN_K8s else LocalRay()},




poetry install --all-extras
poetry shell
pre-commit install



Required tools:

  • docker
  • kubectl
  • helm
  • minikube

Running pytest will automatically:

  • build an image with the local dagster-ray code
  • start a minikube Kubernetes cluster
  • load the built dagster-ray and loaded kuberay-operator images into the cluster
  • install KubeRay Operator into the cluster with helm
  • run the tests

Thus, no manual setup is required, just the presence of the tools listed above. This makes testing a breeze!


Specifying a comma-separated list of KubeRay Operator versions in the PYTEST_KUBERAY_VERSIONS environment variable will spawn a new test for each version.


it may take a while to download minikube and kuberay-operator images and build the local dagster-ray image during the first tests invocation