A utility to aid in the launching and supervision of processes. The original use case is installing a single service who then spawns other processes as part of a multi-process application.
ProcessExitedHelper: a helper around
with some additional logging and event raising if the process has already exited or not found. -
ProcessSupervisor: allows a parent process to launch a child process and lifecycle is represented as a state machine. Supervisors can participate in co-operative shutdown if supported by the child process.
CooperativeShutdown: allows a process to listen for a shutdown signal over a NamedPipe for a parent process to instruct a process to shutdown.
dotnet add package LittleForker
CI packages are on personal feed: https://www.myget.org/F/dh/api/v3/index.json
This helper is typically used by "child" processes to monitor a "parent" process so that it exits itself when the parent exits. It's also safe guard in co-operative shut down if the parent failed to signal correctly (i.e. it crashed).
It wraps Process.Exited
with some additional behaviour:
- Raises the event if the process is not found.
- Raises the event if the process has already exited which would otherwise
result in an
- Logging.
This is something simple to implement in your own code so you may
consider copying it if you don't want a dependency on LittleForker
Typically you will tell a process to monitor another process by passing in the other process's Id as a command line argument. Something like:
.\MyApp --ParentProcessID=12345
Here we extract the CLI arg using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration
, watch
for a parent to exit and exit ourselves when that happens.
var configRoot = new ConfigurationBuilder()
var parentPid = _configRoot.GetValue<int>("ParentProcessId");
using(new ProcessExitedHelper(parentPid, exitedHelper => Environment.Exit(0)))
// Rest of application
is quite an abrupt way to shut town; you may want to
handle things more gracefully such as flush data, cancel requests in flight etc.
For an example, see
NotTerminatingProcess Run()
that uses
a CancellationTokenSource
Process supervisor launches a process and tracks it's lifecycle that is represented by a state machine. Typically use case is a "parent" processes launching one or more "child" processes.
There are two types of processes that are supported:
- Self-Terminating where the process will exit of it's own accord.
- Non-Terminating is a process that never shut down unless it is signalled to do so (if it participates in co-operative shutdown) or is killed.
A process's state is represented by ProcessSupervisor.State
- NotStarted,
- Running,
- StartFailed,
- Stopping,
- ExitedSuccessfully,
- ExitedWithError,
- ExitedUnexpectedly,
- ExitedKilled
... with the transitions between them described with this state machine depending whether self-terminating or non-terminating:
Typically, you will want to launch a process and wait until it is in a specific state before continuing (or handle errors).
// create the supervisor
var supervisor = new ProcessSupervisor(
processRunType: ProcessRunType.NonTerminating, // Expected to be a process that doesn't stop
workingDirectory: Environment.CurrentDirectory,
processPath: "dotnet",
arguments: "./LongRunningProcess/LongRunningProcess.dll");
// attach to events
supervisor.StateChanged = state => { /* handle state changes */ };
supervisor.OutputDataReceived = s => { /* console output */ }
// start the supervisor which will launch the process
await supervisor.Start();
// ... some time later
// attempts a co-operative shutdown with a timeout of 3
// seconds otherwise kills the process
await supervisor.Stop(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3));
With an async extension, it is possible to await a supervisor state:
var exitedSuccessfully = supervisor.WhenStateIs(ProcessSupervisor.State.ExitedSuccessfully);
await supervisor.Start();
await Task.WhenAny(exitedSuccessfully).
You can also leverage tasks to combine waiting for various expected states:
var startFailed = supervisor.WhenStateIs(ProcessSupervisor.State.StartFailed);
var exitedSuccessfully = supervisor.WhenStateIs(ProcessSupervisor.State.ExitedSuccessfully);
var exitedWithError = supervisor.WhenStateIs(ProcessSupervisor.State.ExitedWithError);
var result = await Task.WhenAny(startFailed, exitedSuccessfully, exitedWithError);
if(result == startFailed)
Log.Error(supervisor.OnStartException, $"Process start failed {supervisor.OnStartException.Message}")
// etc.
Cooperative shutdown allows a "parent" process to instruct a "child" process to
shut down. Different to SIGTERM
and Process.Kill()
in that it allows a child
to acknowledge receipt of the request and shut down cleanly (and fast!). Combined with
a parent can send the signal and then wait for ExitedSuccessfully
The inter-process communication is done via named pipes where the pipe name is
of the format LittleForker-{processId}
For a "child" process to be able receive co-operative shut down requests it uses
to listen on a named pipe. Handling signals should
be fast operations and are typically implemented by signalling to another mechanism
to start cleanly shutting down:
var shutdown = new CancellationTokenSource();
using(await CooperativeShutdown.Listen(() => shutdown.Cancel())
// rest of application checks shutdown token for co-operative
// cancellation. See MSDN for details.
For a "parent" process to be able to signal:
await CooperativeShutdown.SignalExit(childProcessId);
This is used in ProcessSupervisor
so if your parent process is using that, then you
typically won't be using this explicitly.
With docker which is same as CI:
- Run
to compile, run tests and build package.
Local build which requires .NET Core SDKs 2.1, 3.1 and .NET 5.0:
- Run
to compile, run tests and build package.
@randompunter for feedback.
Hat tip to @markrendle for the project name.