When you have a huge number and you can't delete from console web, because Opsgenie only allow you to select 25 (Default number) I have more than 35000 closed alerts and I don't want to delete it... OMG! But why you ... ? don't ask please historical reasons.
- Docker version 4.8.2 (Windows)
- Python 3.8.10 (WSL2)
1º Generate API-KEY from OPSGENIE with sufficient permissions.
Download the repository, you will have the Dockerfile, in the same path execute the following commands:
docker build --no-cache --pull -t opsgenie_cleaner . # Building the new image.
docker run -it -v "$(pwd)":/home/nroot/ --name opsgenie_cleaner opsgenie_cleaner # Run the container with a volume.
python3 opsgenie_cleaner.py --key TOKEN --region EU/GLOBAL # If you have any doubt "python3 opsgenie_cleaner.py --help"
If everything is working well, when the script finish you will see a new file called --> all_ids_backup_temp.txt like this with all Alert IDs.
1º With opsgenie-lamp binary already installed in the Docker. Execute a loop with your file all_ids_backup_temp.txt generated before:
cat all_ids_backup_temp.txt | while read line; do opsgenie-lamp deleteAlert --id $line --apiKey 'XXX' ; done
1º Why is the reason that you use opsgenie-lamp instead to try to delete it with Python script?
- Yes you are right. I tried but when Python script goes to delete the alerts sometimes I received an error from Cloudflare with the message "429 for too many requests sent".I didn't want to spend more time and I used Opsgenie-lamp. Is a tool written in go language and developers control this types of errors/retry because basically they are the creators of the API.
2º Why I can only delete 20.000 closed alerts if I have more than 35.000?
- There is a limitation in Opsgenie API, only return Max 20.000 records. Is a HARD limit described here --> https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Opsgenie-questions/Opsgenie-Alert-API-422-Sum-of-offset-and-limit-should-be-lower/qaq-p/1576684
More info -->
- David Álvarez Quiroga
- Ángel Barrera --> Thanks for your help! :-)