- Tarragona
A swiss army knife for pentesting networks
Infinite Red's battle-tested React Native project boilerplate, along with a CLI, component/model generators, and more!
Learning operating system development using Linux kernel and Raspberry Pi
Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration
A set of examples around pytorch in Vision, Text, Reinforcement Learning, etc.
Reptar, Downfall, Zenbleed, ZombieLoad, RIDL, Fallout, Foreshadow, Spectre, Meltdown vulnerability/mitigation checker for Linux & BSD
A simple way of authenticating your RESTful APIs with API keys using Laravel
Video.js - open source HTML5 video player
Turn your Python application into an Android APK
Open source UI framework written in Python, running on Windows, Linux, macOS, Android and iOS
⚡A zero-config bundler for JavaScript applications.
Exploit the hack for IOS 11.1.2 and earlier to collect leaked information.
Tool to find metadata and hidden information in the documents.
A Laravel 5 package that switchs default Laravel scaffolding/boilerplate to AdminLTE template and Pratt Landing Page with Bootstrap 3.0
Llum (light in catalan language) illuminates your Laravel projects speeding up your Github/Laravel development workflow
The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation for your next big idea — freeing you to create without sweating the small things.
This is the repo for Vue 2. For Vue 3, go to https://github.com/vuejs/core
A powerful cross-platform UI toolkit for building native-quality iOS, Android, and Progressive Web Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
A set of web-based tools for generating graphics and other assets that would eventually be in an Android application's res/ directory.