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Stefan Eissing edited this page Feb 24, 2023 · 1 revision

I propose to implement a "buffer queue" as sketched out below.

We have either dynbuf or buffers that are managed "manually". While dynbuf is nice, for IO buffering it has two drawbacks. It reallocs when growing and, more significantly, it self-destructs on adding more data than it is configured for.

What we lack is a buffer that allows reads and writes without being empty. Sometimes dynbuf is used with a separate readlen var that tracks how much of the buffered data we already have handled. This is brittle.

struct buf_chunk {
  struct buf_chunk *next;
  size_t dlen;
  size_t r_offset;
  size_t w_offset;
  const unsigned char data[1];

struct bufq {
  struct buf_chunk *head;
  struct buf_chunk *tail;
  struct buf_chunk *spare;
  size_t chunk_count;
  size_t max_chunks;
  size_t chunk_size;

 * Initialize a buffer queue that can hold up to `max_chunks` buffers
 * each of size `chunk_size`.
void Curl_bufq_init(struct bufq *q, size_t chunk_size, size_t max_chunks);

void Curl_bufq_reset(struct bufq *q); /* clear, buf keep buffer */
void Curl_bufq_free(struct bufq *q);  /* free all */
size_t Curl_bufq_len(struct bufq *q); /* length of buffered data */

With simple read/write method in the usual signatures:

ssize_t Curl_bufq_write(struct bufq *q, const char *data, size_t len,
                        CURLcode *err);
ssize_t Curl_bufq_read(struct bufq *q, char *data, size_t len,
                        CURLcode *err);

And maybe something more sophisticated like

typedef ssize_t Curl_bufq_writer(void *writer_ctx,
                                 const char *data, size_t len,
                                 CURLcode *err);
ssize_t Curl_bufq_pass(struct bufq *q, Curl_bufq_writer *writer,
                       void *writer_ctx, CURLcode *err);

and the companion:

typedef ssize_t Curl_bufq_reader(void *reader_ctx,
                                 char *data, size_t len,
                                 CURLcode *err);
ssize_t Curl_bufq_slurp(struct bufq *q, Curl_bufq_reader *reader,
                        void *reader_ctx, CURLcode *err);

If proving useful, we may add variations that slurp until a certain amount of data is available. Or pass a maximum amount, etc.


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