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EasyTable provides a helper for building HTML tables in Rails applications.

It is inspired by simple_form gem:


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "easy_table"

And then execute:

$ bundle


For a working Rails 4.2 sample code see: cthulhu666/easy_table_sample

All examples below assume that You are using Haml. Please, use Haml !

Simplest example

= table_for(@people) do |t|
  - t.column :name
  - t.column :surname

This produces:

      %th name
      %th surname
      %td John
      %td Doe

Assuming @people is a collection consisting of one record, person with id = 1, John Doe

Simple example

= table_for(@people, class: 'people') do |t|
  - t.column :name, class: 'name' do |person|
  - t.column :surname, class: lambda { |person| ['surname', person.surname.length > 5 && 'long'].compact } do |person|
    - person.surname.upcase

This produces:

      %th name
      %th surname
    %tr#person-1 john
      %td.surname DOE
    %tr#person-2 alice
      %td.surname.long COOPER

Assuming @people is a collection consisting of two records:

  • person with id = 1, John Doe
  • person with id = 2, Alice Cooper

Example with more complex table structure

= table_for(@people) do |t|
  - t.span 'personal data' do |s|
    - s.column :name
    - s.colunm :surname
  - t.span 'contact data' do |s|
    - s.column :email
    - s.column :phone

This produces:

      %th{colspan: 2, scope: 'col'} personal data
      %th{colspan: 2, scope: 'col'} contact data
      %th name
      %th surname
      %th email
      %th phone
      %td John
      %td Doe
      %td [email protected]
      %td 123456789    

I18n and column headers

    person: # this is matched based on controller_name.singularize
      name: 'Name'
      surname: 'Surname'

With following form definition

= table_for(@people) do |t|
  - t.column :name
  - t.column :surname

It will use 'Name' and 'Surname' as column header labels:

      %th Name
      %th Surname

You can also explicitly set column header passing it as a second argument to column and span methods:

= table_for(@people) do |t|
  - t.column :name, 'Name'
  - t.column :surname, 'Surname'


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request