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Critique Gaming's boilerplate project

Ready-to-use starter project based on Crit, Monarch and DefOS.


  • Monarch and a fade-to-black screen transition for Monarch
  • Coreograph your game's high-level progression with crit.progression
  • Wrapped a few Monarch functions as crit.progression-friendly versions
  • Integrated crit.layout with the render script
  • crit.intl
  • crit.analog_to_digital
  • Set-up input method switching (crit.input_state)
  • Common global keybindings already set-up
  • Quickly check which keys are being held down with the held_keys table
  • Save profile management with crit.save_file
  • Debug overlay with ImGUI
  • Testing and code coverage with DefTest, Codecov and Github Actions.
  • LDoc-ready documentation. Use the provided GitHub Actions workflow to publish it to GitHub Pages
  • Build script with macOS code-signing and notarization, Steam and GoG upload support and many other bells and whistles

Getting started

At load time, the main progression is run, which loads the game screen in screens/game/game.collection.

Crit progressions are coroutines that coreograph the top-level flow of the game, like the order of the scenes or the lines of dialogue being spoken by characters. See main/progression/main.script to learn how they work and define your own progressions.

We generally use a pub-sub architecture with a singleton dispatcher (crit.dispatcher). You send messages to the dispatcher (dispatcher.dispatch()). Scripts subscribe to it (dispatcher.subscribe()/dispatcher.unsubscribe()) and they receive them in their on_message function. See main/debug/debug_imgui.script) for an example.

The debug overlay

Press the Backquote/Tilda key (~) to open the debug overlay. This is a collection of mini-UIs written in ImGUI. See main/debug/debug_hub.script for an example. If you need a new one, make a script for it, add it to debug.collection and you're good to go.

Global key bindings

  • Alt F4 (Windows and Linux only): Quit the game
  • Alt Enter or F11: Toggle full screen
  • Backquote (Debug builds only): Toggle debug overlay
  • Ctrl Backquote (Debug builds only): Toggle profiler
  • Ctrl P (Debug builds only): Toggle physics debugger

Useful env.lua variables

Create a _env/env.lua file that returns a Lua table with development flags for the game.

Var name Type Usage
window_width number On start-up, resize the window to this width.*
window_height number On start-up, resize the window to this height.*
display number On start-up, move the window to this display.
full_screen boolean Force full screen (true) or windowed (false) on start-up.
entry_progression string On start-up, run this progression instead of the "main" progression.
entry_screen string or hash On start-up, load the Monarch screen with this ID.
entry_screen_data any If entry_screen is specified, this will be the screen data passed to Monarch.
language string Intl language override.

*Specifying just one of window_width and window_height will assume the game's design aspect ratio (display.width:display.height from game.project, by default 16:9)

GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions are configured for this repository to test and build the project. All Actions that build the game, upload all the artefacts (including debug symbols) to an Amazon S3 bucket. For this to work, you need to define the following secrets (in the GitHub's repo settings):

  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: An access key id with write access to that S3 bucket
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: The access key
  • AWS_REGION: The AWS region of the bucket
  • S3_BUCKET_BUILDS: The S3 bucket where to store the builds


Push to the dist branch if you want to run the tests. If you prefer the tests always running when pushing to any branch, just remove the branches: [dist] line in run-tests.yml line in .github/workflows/run-tests.yml.

If you plan on making your project repository private, you'll need to obtain and add a CODECOV_TOKEN to your secrets (in Github's repo settings).


Pushing to the dist branch also triggers building of the LDoc documentation. After being built, it's pushed to the gh-pages branch, suitable for Github Pages hosting.

Desktop builds

Push to dist-desktop to build the game for Windows, macOS and Linux.

macOS code signing and notarization is not enabled by default because it requires a macOS runner, which is expensive for private repos. To enable it:

  • Export your certificates from Keychain as a P12 file, then Base64-encode it and save it in the APPLE_CERTIFICATES_P12 secret. Save its password as APPLE_CERTIFICATES_P12_PASSWORD.


  • Un-comment all the macOS specific stuff in .github/actions/build-desktop.yml

  • Remove the --skip-notarize flag from the release build step

Mobile builds

Push to dist-mobile to build the game for iOS and Android.

For Android builds, you'll need to generate a keystore, then Base64-encode it and save it as the ANDROID_KEYSTORE_AS_BASE64 secret. Save its alias and password as ANDROID_KEYSTORE_ALIAS and ANDROID_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD.

For iOS, the builds are not code signed by default (macOS runners are expensive). You can either code sign them manually before uploading them to the App Store (XReSign is a handy tool for this), either, to do it automatically:

  • Export your certificates from Keychain as a P12 file, then Base64-encode it and save it in the APPLE_CERTIFICATES_P12 secret. Save its password as APPLE_CERTIFICATES_P12_PASSWORD.

  • Add IOS_IDENTITY, and IOS_PROVISIONING_AS_BASE64 (the Base64-encoded provisioning profile file), to your secrets.

  • Un-comment all the macOS specific stuff in .github/actions/build-mobile.yml

Web builds

Push to dist-web to build the game for HTML5 and deploy it to S3 web hosting.

You'll need to set up an AWS S3 bucket for web hosting and a Cloudfront distribution (as HTTPS proxy), then add S3_BUCKET_WEB and CLOUDFRONT_DISTRIBUTION_ID to secrets.

Build script

  1. Install LuaJIT. Your OS's package manager (apt, brew, etc.) should have it. For Windows, ULua is a great prebuilt distribution. Alternatively, plain Lua 5.1-5.4 with LuaFileSystem will also work.
  2. Run luajit deploy.lua_ --help to see all the available options.

Most of the options are configurable from the command line or with environment variables. You can also create a .deploy_env file (a Lua module which returns a Lua table) instead of environment variables.

You can configure game-specific settings and define build script hooks or commands in the deploy/config directory. You can find all sorts of app icons and manifests in there.

macOS notarization

Add MAC_IDENTITY, APPLE_ID, APPLE_ID_PASSWORD and ASC_PROVIDER to your environment variables or .deploy_env and the app will be code signed and notarized for you.

iOS code signing

Add IOS_IDENTITY and IOS_PROVISIONING (path to a provisioning profile) to your environment or .deploy_env.

Android signing

Generate a keystore and add its path to your environment as ANDROID_KEYSTORE. Also add its alias and password as ANDROID_KEYSTORE_ALIAS and ANDROID_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD.


First go to deploy/config/steam.lua_ and deploy/config/project_properties/steam.ini and add your Steam app ID and depot IDs.

When bundling with deploy.lua_ steam, the Steamworks extension will be automatically included into your project.

You will also need to download and install SteamCMD and set the STEAMCMD env var to its path.

Finally, set the STEAM_USER and STEAM_PASSWORD environment variables to your Steam login credentials. It's recommended you make a Steam account just for this.

You can add all of these env vars to .deploy_env for convenience.


You need to assemble the GOG Galaxy extension yourself in a private repo, add your GitHub access token to the dependency URL, then use the GOG_GALAXY_DEPENDENCY_URL environment variable when running deploy.lua_ to add the extension to your build when bundling with deploy.lua_ gog

Then, go to deploy/config/gog.lua_ and deploy/config/project_properties/gog.ini and set your Product ID, Client ID and Client Secret.

Add your branch passwords to the GOG_BRANCH_PASS_STAGING and GOG_BRANCH_PASS_STAGING_DEBUG env vars.

You will need to download GOG Pipeline Builder, install it and set the GOG_PIPELINE_BUILDER env var to its path.

Finally, set the GOG_USER and GOG_PASSWORD environment variables to your GOG login credentials.

You can add all of these env vars to .deploy_env for convenience.


Critique Gaming's Defold boilerplate








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