MovieWeb is a project meant to demonstrate some of the particulars of Istio.
This sample uses data from MovieLens, specifically the "latest small" dataset. The dataset is available as exports for Cloud SQL/MySQL, Cloud Firestore, and MongoDB. For more information check out dataset/README.
gcloud beta container clusters create [CLUSTER-NAME] \
--addons=Istio --istio-config=auth=MTLS_PERMISSIVE \
--cluster-version=latest \
--machine-type=n1-standard-2 \
gcloud container clusters get-credentials [CLUSTER-NAME]
kubectl create namespace movieweb
kubectl label namespace movieweb istio-injection=enabled
Cloud SQL
gcloud iam service-accounts create cloudsql-client --display-name "cloudsql-client"
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding [PROJECT-ID] \
--member serviceAccount:cloudsql-client@[PROJET-ID] \
--role roles/cloudsql.client
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create backend/cloudsql/cloudsql-credentials.json \
--iam-account cloudsql-client@[PROJECT-ID]
Cloud Firestore
gcloud iam service-accounts create cloudfirestore-user --display-name "cloudfirestore-user"
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding [PROJECT-ID] \
--member serviceAccount:cloudfirestore-user@[PROJET-ID] \
--role roles/datastore.user
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create backend/firestore/cloudfirestore-credentials.json \
--iam-account cloudfirestore-user@[PROJECT-ID]
Cloud SQL
kubectl create secret generic cloudsql-credentials \
--from-file=backend/cloudsql/cloudsql-credentials.json \
-n movieweb
Cloud Firestore
kubectl create secret generic cloudfirestore-credentials \
--from-file=backend/firestore/cloudfirestore-credentials.json \
-n movieweb
Use Deployment Manager to deploy the MongoDB instance:
gcloud deployment-manager deployments create mongodb-instance \
--config=dataset/mongodb-instance.yaml \
By default, the instance allows traffic from other GCE instances, but the GKE Pod IP range isn't included. So create a new rule that allows traffic from the GKE Pod's IP range:
export PODIP_RANGE=$(gcloud container clusters describe [CLUSTER_NAME] --format="value(clusterIpv4Cidr")
gcloud compute firewall-rules create default-allow-podip \
--allow=tcp,udp,icmp \
First create the Istio routing rules for external databases:
kubectl create -f manifests/database-services.yaml
Then create the movieweb
routing rules:
kubectl create -f manifests/movieweb-services.yaml
VERSION=1.0 skaffold build
skaffold deploy
kubectl create -f manifests/deployments.yaml
- Delete GKE cluster
- Delete MongoDB instance
- Delete service accounts