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LD edited this page Aug 26, 2020 · 2 revisions

Cosmonium can run scripts to control bodies, automate navigation or perform space tours. Currently there are only two way to do this :

  • Python plugins
  • Celestia CEL scripting language.

Python plugins


CEL Scripting Language


CEL Script can only be used to control the navigation and the parameters of Cosmonium.

A CEL Script is text file containing a list of sequential commands. The script must start with an open bracket { and end with a closing bracket }

All the commands have the following format :

command { parameter1 value1 parameter2 value2 ... }


  select {object "Sol/Earth"}
  follow {}
  goto   {time 3.0  distance 6.0}
  wait   {duration 2.0}

List of commands

Currently, only a subset of the CEL commands are supported.



CEL Scripting in Celestia Wikibook

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