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corosync-qdevice is a daemon running on each node of a cluster. It provides
a configured number of votes to the quorum subsystem based on a third-party
arbitrator's decision. Its primary use is to allow a cluster to sustain more
node failures than standard quorum rules allow. It is recommended for clusters
with an even number of nodes and highly recommended for 2 node clusters.

corosync-qnetd is a daemon running outside of the cluster with the purpose
of providing a vote to the corosync-qdevice model net. It's designed to
support multiple clusters and be almost configuration and state free.
New clusters are handled dynamically and no configuration file exists.
It's also able to run as non-root user - which is recommended.
Connection between the corosync-qdevice model net client can be optionally
configured with TLS client certificate checking. The communication protocol
between server and client is designed to be very simple and allow
backwards compatibility.

Originally both qdevice and qnetd were part of the Corosync codebase
( but because it got quite big we
decided to split it into its own sub-project.

* Corosync >= 2.0

$ ./
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install