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Brightfish CPL renamer


Advertising Accord now generates weekly CPL playlists that do not include the site code in the CPL name/folder name. This makes it impossible to ingest playlists for multiple sites (cinemas) in 1 repository. Site 1 would have a playlist called ADV-PUB2022-10-05Avatar1OV2DS1-MAIN-P2 (for "Avatar 1" movie) and another site would have a different playlist for Avatar1 with exactly the same name, but with a different UUID. This makes it impossible to see which playlists are for which site.


This script makes it possible to rename all playlists to include the site code, while keeping the CPLs valid (so adapting UUID and file hashes in PackingList and Assetmap)


The whole operation can be done with the scripts, which calls the PHP modules when it's required.

  • choose a root folder for all your playlists, let's call the $PLAYLIST_ROOT
  • create a separate folder per week, e.g. $PLAYLIST_ROOT/2022W41

1. -i [week_folder] dropbox

  • put all received ZIP files in the folder e.g.
    • $PLAYLIST_ROOT/2022W41/
    • $PLAYLIST_ROOT/2022W41/
    • ...

2. -i [week_folder] unzip

  • run --input "$PLAYLIST_ROOT/2022W41" unzip
  • this will unzip all ZIP files into folders like
    • $PLAYLIST_ROOT/2022W41/orig/playlists-2022-10-05-KANT/ADV-PUB2022-10-05Avatar1OV2DS1
    • $PLAYLIST_ROOT/2022W41/orig/playlists-2022-10-05-KANT/ADV-PUB2022-10-05DontWorryDarlingOV2DS1
    • $PLAYLIST_ROOT/2022W41/orig/playlists-2022-10-05-KBXL/ADV-PUB2022-10-05Avatar1OV2DS1
    • ...

3. -i [week_folder] rename

  • then run --input "$PLAYLIST_ROOT/2022W41" rename
  • this will rename all playlists and save them into folders :
    • $PLAYLIST_ROOT/2022W41/renamed/KANT/KANT-PUB2022-10-05Avatar1OV2DS1
    • $PLAYLIST_ROOT/2022W41/renamed/KANT/KANT-PUB2022-10-05DontWorryDarlingOV2DS1
    • $PLAYLIST_ROOT/2022W41/renamed/KBXL/KBXL-PUB2022-10-05Avatar1OV2DS1
  • so 1 folder per site and then a subfolder per playlist, with the site code added in the new name.

4. -i [week_folder] rezip

  • then run --input "$PLAYLIST_ROOT/2022W41" rezip
  • this will create a ZIP file per site, with all renamed playlists
    • $PLAYLIST_ROOT/2022W41/renamed/
    • $PLAYLIST_ROOT/2022W41/renamed/
  • this will also create an Excel export export.all.csv with all sessions and all spots

Script Usage

Program :  by [email protected]
Version : v0.5.3 (2023-02-21 14:47)
Purpose : process folder with Brightfish playlists
Usage   : [-h] [-q] [-v] [-f] [-l <log_dir>] [-t <tmp_dir>] [-D <DROPBOX_FOLDER>] [-S <MAILGUN_SENDER>] [-R <MAILGUN_RECEIVERS>] [-M <MAILGUN_DOMAIN>] [-i <input>] [-z <zip_prefix>] [-c <cpl_prefix>] <action>
Flags, options and parameters:
    -h|--help        : [flag] show usage [default: off]
    -q|--quiet       : [flag] no output [default: off]
    -v|--verbose     : [flag] also show debug messages [default: off]
    -f|--force       : [flag] do not ask for confirmation (always yes) [default: off]
    -l|--log_dir <?> : [option] folder for log files   [default: /home/pforret/log/cpl_renamer]
    -t|--tmp_dir <?> : [option] folder for temp files  [default: /tmp/cpl_renamer]
    -D|--DROPBOX_FOLDER <?>: [option] Dropbox root folder
    -S|--MAILGUN_SENDER <?>: [option] From: address for email
    -R|--MAILGUN_RECEIVERS <?>: [option] To: address for email
    -M|--MAILGUN_DOMAIN <?>: [option] Mailgun sender domain
    -i|--input <?>   : [option] input folder with the playlist zips
    -z|--zip_prefix <?>: [option] zip file prefix  [default: playlists-]
    -c|--cpl_prefix <?>: [option] playlist folder prefix  [default: ADV-]
    <action>         : [choice] action to perform  [options: dropbox,unzip,rename,rezip,send,check,env,update]

PHP Library usage

The PHP library can also be called directly from another PHP script. An example of this can be found in the wrapper script rename_folder.php, as called from the script.

include __DIR__ . "/../vendor/autoload.php";

use Brightfish\CplRenamer\CplRenamer;

$input_folder=$argv[1] ?? "";
$output_folder=$argv[2] ?? "";
$site_code=$argv[3] ?? "";
if(!$input_folder || !$output_folder || !$site_code){
    print "------ rename all playlists of a site\n";
    print "Usage: $argv[0] [input_folder] [output_folder] [sitecode]\n";
    print "Example: $argv[0] week40/orig/KBXL week40/renamed/KBXL KBXL\n";
$renamer = new CplRenamer($site_code);


Bash requirements

  • awk
  • unzip / zip (sudo apt install zip)

PHP Requirements

  • PHP 8.0 or higher
  • PHP ext-curl
  • PHP ext-dom
  • PHP ext-json
  • PHP ext-simplexml
  • sudo apt install php8.0-xml should do the trick