An R programmatic interface for querying, downloading, and handling AmeriFlux data and metadata.
To install the current stable release use a CRAN repository:
To install the development releases of the package run the following commands:
Vignettes are not rendered by default, if you want to include additional documentation please use:
devtools::install_github("chuhousen/amerifluxr", build_vignettes = TRUE)
This function obtains the latest AmeriFlux site list and sites' general info through the AmeriFlux web service.
site <- amf_site_info()
Access to AmeriFlux data requires creating an AmeriFlux account first. Register an account through the link.
The following downloads a single file containing all AmeriFlux sites' metadata (i.e., BADM data product) for sites under the CC-BY-4.0 data use policy. The downloaded file is a Excel file saved to tempdir() (e.g., AMF_{SITES}_BIF_{POLICY}_{VERSION}.xlsx, SITES = AA-Net (all registered sites) or AA-Flx (all sites with flux/met data available); POLICY = CCBY4 (shared under AmeriFlux CC-BY-4.0 data use policy) or LEGACY (shared under AmeriFlux Legacy data use policy)).
For details about BADM data files, see AmeriFlux web page.
floc1 <- amf_download_bif(user_id = "my_user",
user_email = "[email protected]",
data_policy = "CCBY4.0",
agree_policy = TRUE,
intended_use = "synthesis",
intended_use_text = "obtain AmeriFlux sites' geolocation, IGBP, and climate classification",
out_dir = tempdir(),
verbose = TRUE,
site_w_data = TRUE)
Parameter | Description |
user_id | AmeriFlux account username |
user_email | AmeriFlux account user email |
data_policy | "CCBY4.0" or "LEGACY". AmeriFlux data are shared under two tiers of licenses as chosen by site's PI. |
agree_policy | Acknowledge you read and agree to the AmeriFlux Data use policy |
intended_use | The intended use category. It needs to be "synthesis", "model", "remote_sensing","other_research", "education", or "other" |
intended_use_text | Brief description of intended use.This will be recorded in the data download log and emailed to site's PI. |
out_dir | Output directory for downloaded data, default to tempdir() |
verbose | Show feedback on download progress |
site_w_data | Logical, download all registered sites (FALSE) or only sites with available BASE data (TRUE) |
The amf_download_bif() returns the full file path to the downloaded file, which can be used to read the file into R.
bif <- amf_read_bif(file = floc1)
The following downloads AmeriFlux flux/met data (aka BASE data product) from a single site. For details about BASE data files, see AmeriFlux BASE data page.
The downloaded file is a zipped file saved in tempdir() (e.g., AMF_{SITE_ID}_BASE-BADM_{VERSION}.zip), which contains a BASE data file (e.g., AMF_{SITE_ID}_BASE_{RESOLUTION}_{VERSION}.csv, RESOLUTION = HH (half-hourly) or HR (hourly)) and a BADM data file (e.g., AMF_{SITE_ID}_BIF_{VERSION}.xlsx). The BADM data file is a site subset of the all-site BADM downloaded through amf_download_bif().
floc2 <- amf_download_base(user_id = "my_user",
user_email = "[email protected]",
site_id = "US-CRT",
data_product = "BASE-BADM",
data_policy = "CCBY4.0",
agree_policy = TRUE,
intended_use = "remote_sensing",
intended_use_text = "validate the model of GPP estimation",
verbose = TRUE,
out_dir = tempdir())
Parameter | Description |
user_id | AmeriFlux account username |
user_email | AmeriFlux account user email |
site_id | A scalar or vector of character specifying the AmeriFlux Site ID (CC-Sss) |
data_product | AmeriFlux data product. Currently, only "BASE-BADM" is currently supported and used as default. |
data_policy | "CCBY4.0" or "LEGACY". AmeriFlux data are shared under two tiers of licenses as chosen by site's PI. |
agree_policy | Acknowledge you read and agree to the AmeriFlux Data use policy |
intended_use | The intended use category. It needs to be "synthesis", "model", "remote_sensing","other_research", "education", or "other" |
intended_use_text | Brief description of intended use.This will be recorded in the data download log and emailed to site's PI. |
out_dir | Output directory for downloaded data, default to tempdir() |
verbose | Show feedback on download progress |
The amf_download_base() returns the full file path to the downloaded file, which can be used to read the file into R.
base <- amf_read_base(file = floc2,
unzip = TRUE,
parse_timestamp = TRUE)
Parameter | Description |
file | file path |
unzip | logical, whether to unzip. Set TRUE if reading from a zipped file |
parse_timestamp | logical, whether to parse the timestamp |
The following downloads AmeriFlux flux/met data from multiple sites. The downloaded files are organized by sites, with one zipped file for each site, similar to single-site download.
amf_download_base(user_id = "my_user",
user_email = "[email protected]",
site_id = c("US-CRT", "US-WPT", "US-Oho"),
data_product = "BASE-BADM",
data_policy = "CCBY4.0",
agree_policy = TRUE,
intended_use = "model",
intended_use_text = "Data-driven modeling, for training models and cross-validation",
verbose = TRUE,
out_dir = tempdir())
Site Selection Vignette demonstrates examples to query a list of target sites based on sites' general information and availability of metadata and data.
Data Import Vignette demonstrates examples to import data and metadata downloaded from AmeriFlux, and parse and clean data for further use.
Chu, Housen, and Hufkens, Koen. "amerifluxr v1.0.0." Computer software. May 10, 2021.
We thank the AmeriFlux site teams for sharing their data and metadata with the network. Funding for these flux sites is acknowledged in the site data DOI on AmeriFlux website. This package was supported in part by funding provided to the AmeriFlux Management Project by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science under Contract No. DE-AC0205CH11231. We also thank Adam Young, Minkyu Moon, Erica Orcutt, Manuel Helbig for testing the package and providing valuable feedback.