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EzForm Hook

EzFormly generates a form from a schema with on the fly customizability!

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License: MIT semantic-release


  • helps save time writing complex forms
  • allows you to easily share inputs with other forms
  • allows teams to stay consistent with forms
  • handles the repetitive dull parts of creating a form for you!

Hook props:

Prop Type Required Description
submitButton JSX false submit button to submit form EX: <button type="submit">custom submit</button>
onSubmit Function false triggers on submit button click and returns all values
onUpdate Function false triggers formValues update
onChange Function false triggers on input change and returns all values
onBlur Function false triggers on input blur and returns all values
nestedErrorsManager Function false used when using a nested form
schema Object true schema based off what form is generated from
validation Object false overwrites the schema's validation function for an input (extremely useful when wanting to share a validation schema with other things)
initialValues Object false maps the initial values to schema
featureFlags Object false just a object of feature flags
validateInitialValues Boolean false validates initial values once form loads
validateOnChange Boolean false validates input on change (default is true)
disabled Boolean false disables inputs if true
multiForm Boolean false allows you to create a multi form
clearFormOnSubmit Boolean false clear form on submit
viewModeToggled Boolean false toggles viewMode in schema on initial render
showSubmitButton Boolean false disables the automatic render of the submit button
viewModeFallbackText String false passes fallback viewMode text when value is null or undefined. Default is "N/A"
submitButtonText String false replaces text on the submit button
submitButtonClass String false passes css classes down to the submit button
className String false passes css classes down to the main form component
errorClass String false passes css class to error message

Component Example:

import { EzFormHook } from "ez-form-hook";
const schema = {
  inputs: {
    name: {
      label: "name",
      required: false,
      type: "text",
      placeholder: "Whats your name"
    age: {
      label: "Age",
      required: true,
      type: "number",
      placeholder: "Whats your age?"
    favoriteColor: {
      label: "favoriteColor",
      placeholder: "Favorite color",
      options: [
        { value: "green", label: "green" },
        { value: "red", label: "red" },
        { value: "blue", label: "blue" }

const Form = () => {
  const onSubmit = values => {

  const { form } = EzFormHook({ schema, onSubmit });

  return <div>{form}</div>;
// More complex example

const Form = () => {
  const onSubmit = values => {
  const customSubmitButton = <button type="submit">My Custom Submit</button>;

  const { form, clearForm, addFields, removeFields } = EzFormHook({
    submitButton: customSubmitButton

  return (
      <button onClick={clearForm}>Clear Form</button>
      <button onClick={addFields}>Add Fields</button>
      <button onClick={removeFields}>Remove Fields</button>

Schema Format:

Key Type Default Description
validate Function null uses this function to validate input
visibleIf Function null adds ability to check if certain criteria is met and then make the input visible if it is
onSubmit Function null on submit run mutation function and return value (Will not run function if value is empty)
label String null text in input label
initialValue any null sets initial value of input
type String null input type:
placeholder String null sets input placeholder
featureFlag String null feature flag input is associated with
required Boolean / Function false sets input as required
clearFormOnSubmit Boolean true set to false if you don't want inputs to clear after submit
tracked Boolean true, allows you to disable value tracking on the input
customComponent JSX null allows you to put whatever JSX you'd like to put in form
functionalComponent JSX null allows you to put whatever Functional Component you'd like to put in form
viewModeComponent Function null allows you to put whatever Component below the label you'd like to render when viewMode is toggled value and values, get passed to function
viewModeClass Function null class put onto the viewMode Text
prependHtml JSX null append html after the input
options Array null converts input to select box options rendered from Array [{value: true, label: "yes"}, { value: false, label: 'no' }]
...ETC ANY null Anything else you add to schema get passed to the inputs as a prop

Schema Example:

import { EzValidation } from "ez-validation";
schema = {
  inputs: {
    name: {
      label: "name",
      initialValue: "Whats your name",
      validate: (val, vals) =>
      required: false,
      onSubmit: (val, vals) => {
        if (val.length > 10) {
          return val   " Thats a long Name";
      type: "text",
      placeholder: "name"
    length: {
      label: "length",
      required: true,
      type: "number",
      placeholder: "length of package"
    moneyMoney: {
      label: "Money Money",
      placeholder: "How much you got?",
      type: "text",
      prependHtml: (
        <div className="input-group-prepend">
          <span className="input-group-text" id="basic-addon1">
    lengthIfOne: {
      label: "length if one",
      visibleIf: values => values["length"] === "1",
      required: true,
      type: "number",
      placeholder: "length"
    selectMulti: {
      label: "selectMulti",
      type: "multiSelect",
      placeholder: "Favorite Color",
      isMulti: true,
      required: true,
      customComponent: Select,
      options: [
        { value: 1, label: "One" },
        { value: 2, label: "Two" },
        { value: 3, label: "Three" }
    favoriteColor: {
      label: "favoriteColor",
      placeholder: "Favorite color",
      options: [
        { value: "green", label: "green" },
        { value: "red", label: "red" },
        { value: "blue", label: "blue" }
    masked: {
      label: "masked",
      placeholder: "masked",
      required: true,
      customComponent: InputMask,
      mask: "9999-99-99",
      maskChar: null
    description: {
      label: "description",
      placeholder: "description",
      required: false,
      type: "textarea"