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Tunnel is a Pipeline Execution Engine based on C 20 coroutine


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Tunnel is a cross platform, lightweight, and highly adaptable task execution framework based on C 20 coroutine. You can use it to build task execution engines with complex dependencies, or pipeline execution engines.The idea of this project comes from the execution engine of ClickHouse.

This project has the following features:

  • The user's processing logic does not need to focus on scheduling, synchronization, or mutual exclusion. You only need to design a reasonable DAG structure to achieve the ability of multi-core parallel execution;

  • Thanks to the powerful customization capabilities of c 20 coroutine, you can easily integrate with other asynchronous systems or network io (which means that tunnel can be easily expanded into a distributed task execution framework, which is also one of the long-term goals of this project);

  • Thanks to async_simple with good design and interface, you can control which Executor each node in the Pipeline is scheduled on, which is beneficial for resource isolation and management;

  • Supports passing parameters between nodes, although each Pipeline only supports one parameter type. If you need to pass different types of data between different nodes, please use std::any or void * and perform runtime conversion;

Compiler Requirement

  • This project is based on the c 20 standard.
  • This project uses bazel to build the system.
  • This project is based on async_simple, so first ensure that your compiler (clang, gcc, Apple clang) supports compiling async_simple.
  • This project supports MacOS, Linux, and Windows operating systems.


  • async_simple
  • googletest
  • chriskohlhoff/asio
  • rigtorp/MPMCQueue
  • gflags
  • spdlog


Firstly, you need to understand several basic concepts:

  • Processor: Processor is the basic unit for scheduling execution, and each Processor holds 0, 1, or more input_port and 0, 1, or more output_port. But it will not hold 0 input_port and 0 output_port at the same time.

  • portport is a tool for transferring data between Processor, and some ports share the same queue. port and are divided into input_port and output_port, input_port reads data from the queue, and output_port writes data to the queue.

  • pipeline:a pipeline is composed of multiple processors. These processors are connected through queue and have the structure of a Directed Acyclic Graph. The pipeline can be sent to the Executor for scheduling and execution.

  • Executor:the Executor concept in async_simple.

The above are the four most basic concepts in this project, followed by some derived concepts:

  • SourceSource is a type of Processor that does not have an input_port and is the node that generates data.
  • EmptySourceEmptySource is a type of Source that only generates a EOF info.
  • ChannelSourceChannelSourceis a type of Source that read data from bind_channel.
  • SinkSink is a type of Processor that does not have an output_port and is a node that consumes data.
  • DumpSimkDumpSimk is a type of Sink that reads and discards data.
  • ChannelSinkChannelSinkis a type of Sink that read data and write to bind_channel.
  • TransFormTransForm is a type of Processor that exists only to provide a different Processor type from Source and Sink.
  • SimpleTransFormSimpleTransForm is a type of TransForm that only has one input_port and one output_port, used to perform simple transformations. Most of the user's logic should be accomplished through inheritance of this class.
  • NoOpTransformNoOpTransform is a type of SimpleTransForm that is only used for placeholders.
  • ConcatConcat is a type of Processor that has one or more input_ports and one output_port, and it can be used for sequential consumption.
  • DispatchDispatch is a type of Processor that has one input_port and one or more output_ports, and it can be used for division.
  • FilterFilter is a type of TransForm that can be used for filtering.
  • AccumulateAccumulate is a type of TransForm that can be used for accumulation.
  • ForkFork is a type of Processor that has one input_port and one or more output_port, it can be used for replication.

NOTE:This project does not have a Merge node, but implements the Merge function through other methods. The reason is that the Merge node requires multiple input_ports, but we cannot know which input_port currently has data coming, so we need to suspend waiting for a certain input_port, which is unreasonable. This project achieves this function by sharing multiple port queues, as detailed in the Merge interface of the Pipeline.

The inheritance relationship of node types is as follows. Types marked in red indicate the need for inheritance implementation, while types marked in blue indicate that they can be directly used:



hello world

here is a Hello World program:

#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

#include "async_simple/coro/SyncAwait.h"
#include "async_simple/executors/SimpleExecutor.h"
#include "tunnel/pipeline.h"
#include "tunnel/sink.h"
#include "tunnel/source.h"

using namespace tunnel;

class MySink : public Sink<std::string> {
  virtual async_simple::coro::Lazy<void> consume(std::string &&value) override {
    std::cout << value << std::endl;

class MySource : public Source<std::string> {
  virtual async_simple::coro::Lazy<std::optional<std::string>> generate() override {
    if (eof == false) {
      eof = true;
      co_return std::string("hello world");
    co_return std::optional<std::string>{};
  bool eof = false;

int main() {
  Pipeline<std::string> pipe;
  async_simple::executors::SimpleExecutor ex(2);
  return 0;

As you can see, users need to inherit some Processors to implement custom processing logic, then combine these Processors in a certain structure through Pipeline, and finally start executing the Pipeline.

For example, for the Source node, only the generate() method needs to be rewritten to generate data. Users need to ensure that an empty std::optional<T>{} representing EOF information is ultimately returned, otherwise the Pipeline will not stop executing; For Sink nodes, the consume() method needs to be rewritten to consume data.

For the use of more Processor types, users can read the source files in the tunnel directory.

about exception

If a Processor throws an exception during the pipeline running, tunnel may call std::abort to abort the process (bind_abort_channel == false), or catch the exception and pass the exit information to other Processors. The Processor receiving the exit information will enter managed mode, and user logic will not be called again in managed mode. It simply reads data from upstream and discards it, After all upstream data is read, EOF information is written to downstream and execution ends.

about expand pipeline at runtime

Users can construct and run a new pipeline in the Processor's processing logic, and connect the data streams of two pipelines through ChannelSource and ChannelSink. This feature is useful in certain situations, such as when you need to decide how to handle the remaining data based on the data generated during the pipeline execution process.

There is a simple example in example/

about pipeline interface

tunnel will assign a unique ID to each Processor instance, through which users and tunnel exchange pipeline structure information.

The API of pipeline follows the principle of only allowing post nodes to be added to leaf nodes. Leaf nodes refer to non-sink nodes that have not yet specified an output_port, for example, there is an empty pipeline:

  • Firstly, add a source node (id == 1) through AddSource, so there is only one leaf node 1 in the pipeline.
  • Then, by using AddTransform, add a post transform node (id == 2) to the source node , and the current leaf node in the pipeline will become 2.
  • Next, add another source node (id == 3) through AddSource, so there are two leaf nodes in the pipeline now, 2 and 3.
  • Finally, add a shared sink post node (id == 4) to all current leaf nodes ( 2 and 3 ) through SetSink. At this point, no leaf nodes exist in the pipeline. A pipeline without leaf nodes is called complete, and only complete pipelines can be executed.

Please read the content in the doc directory and example directory to learn about the API usage of this project.


  1. Support for more types of nodes [doing]
  2. Support Pipeline Merge [done]
  3. Topology detection
  4. Schedule event collection [doing]
  5. Support active stop of execution [done with throw exception]
  6. Exception handling during execution [done]
  7. Implementing a high-performance Executor [done]
  8. Support for extension of Pipeline at runtime [done]
  9. Support for distributed scheduling (support for network io based on async_simple first)


tunnel is distributed under the Apache License (Version 2.0).