- Connect to clickhouse-client
clickhouse-client --user default --password
-- Create user
CREATE USER clickhouse_admin IDENTIFIED BY '1234566';
-- Grant privileges
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO clickhouse_admin;
- Account: clickhouse_admin / 1234566
- Option 1: Using engine PostgreSQL
- Create new table
CREATE TABLE customers ( "customer_id" String, "company_name" String, "contact_name" String, "contact_title" String, "address" String, "city" String, "region" String, "postal_code" String, "country" String, "phone" String, "fax" String ) ENGINE = PostgreSQL('', 'clickhouse_pq_db', 'customers', 'postgres', 'postgres')
- db_host:
- db_name: clickhouse_pq_db
- table_name: customers
- db_user: postgres
- db_password: postgres
- Option 2: Using engine MaterializedPostgreSQL
- Add config to postgresql.conf
- docker mount volume: ./data/db/postgresql.conf
listen_addresses = '*' max_replication_slots = 10 wal_level = logical
- Enable experimental features in ClickHouse
SET allow_experimental_database_materialized_postgresql=1
- Create replica database in ClickHouse
CREATE DATABASE postgres_db ENGINE = MaterializedPostgreSQL('', 'clickhouse_pq_db', 'postgres', 'postgres')
- db_host:
- db_name: clickhouse_pq_db
- db_user: postgres
- db_password: postgres
- db_port: 5432
- Show databases
- Show tables
- Add tables to MaterializedPostgreSQL database
ATTACH TABLE db_postgres.customers;
- database_name: db_postgres
- table_name: customers
- Detach tables from MaterializedPostgreSQL database
DETACH TABLE db_postgres.customers;
- database_name: db_postgres
- table_name: customers