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Simple lib to manipulate the sambatech API.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'samba_api'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install samba_api


To start using gem is very simple. Instantiate the class by passing its access_token created in the sambatech panel. Let's take a look at the example:

 client = 'my_valid_token_created_in_sambatech_dashboard')

After this step, we can start using all the features offered by the sambaTech API


To manipulate the project endpoint, we have four methods to support us.

List all existing projects

After instantiating your client with a valid access_token, call the following method:

  projects = client.all_projects

This method will return an array of hashes containing all the projects belonging to the previously installed client.

Search for a specific project

  some_project = client.project(project_id)

This method returns the project informed according to the id if the project exists

Creating a project

To create a project, call the create_project method by passing the project name and its description as mandatory parameters. Let's take a look at the example:

  new_project = client.create_project(name_of_project, description_of_project)

Deleting a project

To delete a project, just call the delete_project method, passing the id of the project you want to delete as the required parameter.

  response_project = client.delete_project(project_id)


To manipulate medias endpoint, we have the following methods to support us.

Listing all medias from a project

To list all the videos created in a project, simply call the following method by passing the project_id parameter. The project id is required.

  medias = client.all_medias(project_id)

This method will return an array of hashes containing all the videos belonging to the project informed in the parameter passed.

Search for a specific Media

  some_media = client.get_media(media_id, project_id)

This method returns the media informed according to the media_id and the project_id if the project and media exists.

Creating a Media

To create a media, call the upload_media method by passing the media_path and project_id as mandatory parameters. Let's take a look at the example:

   new_media = client.upload_media('/some/path/to/my/media.mp4', project_id)

Deleting a media

To delete medias just call delete_media method passing the id of the project where the media belong and the id of the media, this parameters are mandatories

  response_media = client.delete_media(media_id, project_id)

Activing media

To activate a media, it is necessary to pass the id of the media to be activated the id of the project that the media belongs to and a body in json format with the information to be updated.

Possible values in body: { id , title , status , qualifier , description , shortDescription , categoryName , categoryId , postdate , lastModified , publishDate , published , highlighted , restricted , secondUrl , numberOfViews , numberOfComments , numberOfRatings , childStatus , tags , files , thumbs , genders , captions , externalPublishings }

 body = { "publishDate":, "categoryId": "12345" }

 response_media = client.active_media(media_id, project_id, body)

If all information in the body is correct, the media must be updated


To manipulate categories endpoint, we have the following methods to support us.

Listing all categories from a project

To list all categories created in a project, simply call the following method by passing the project_id parameter. The project id is required.

  categories = client.all_categories(project_id)

This method will return an array of hashes containing all the categories belonging to the project informed in the parameter passed.

Search for a specific Category

   some_category = client.category(category_id, project_id)

This method returns the category informed according to the category_id and the project_id if the project and category exists.

Creating a Category

To create a category, call the create_category method by passing the project_id and pass a hash with the options listed in API as mandatory parameters. Let's take a look at the example:

body = '{
  "name": "Automobilismo",
  "parent": 19240,
  "genre": null,
  "connectedAccounts": [],
  "children": []

  new_category = client.create_category(project_id, body)

Deleting a Category

To delete categories just call delete_category method passing the id of the project where the category belongs and the id of the category, this parameters are mandatories

  response_category = client.delete_category(category_id, project_id)


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


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