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A hopefully simple template for getting started with amzeratul's halley engine

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An attempt at making a simple halley template based on the one provided in the repo with simple instructions to get it running

the intended use of this repository is to fork it or clone it and change the remotes and begin developing your game

please note that while this is for windows only right now the only thing that needs to be made are scripts for linux/mac, i'm not at home im on a windows laptop so when i am home i will add those



  • CMake (version 3.10 )
  • Python (version 2.7 )
  • Ninja (recommended install via chocolatey)
  • Visual Studio (recommend version 2022, however 2017 works, this is only for the MSVC compiler)


clone this repo and then set up the required submodules

cd halley-template
git submodule update --init --recursive

it is recommended you change the halley submodule to use your own fork (probably of my version of the repository as it has SDL include changes to fix issues with VCPKG includes) to do this simply run

git submodule set-url halley <your fork url>


allow execution of unsigned powershell scripts

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

simply run the init script, then the cmake and build scripts in that order

  • if you change/add any assets in assets_src or modify/add any components in gen_src (local gen_src not halley/gen_src) you will need to run the assets script
  • if you modify/add any components in gen_src you will also need to build again
./scripts/cmake.ps1 (-build_type Debug/Release/RelwithDebInfo) (-clean)
./scripts/asset.ps1 (optional if required as described above)


if you would like to set up vscode for this project, i recommend using these (or similar) settings in your ./vscode/c_cpp_properties.json

again sorry linux/mac users i will update this when i get home, although the only changes would be to the includePath and intelliSenseMode

i cannot recommend using the cmake extension for vscode as i've had issues with it creating this, although i didn't put much effort into setting it up

    "configurations": [
            "name": "Win32",
            "includePath": [
            "intelliSenseMode": "windows-msvc-x64",
            "cStandard": "c17",
            "cppStandard": "c  17",
            "compileCommands": "${workspaceFolder}/build/compile_commands.json"
    "version": 4


reminder if you need to change your MSVC version either edit/remove the vsconfig file

reminder after doing anything in gen_src and assets_src you must compile assets

reminder after doing anything in gen_src you'll need to build the project again

reminder to update source files in CMakeLists.txt whenever adding new files

this will fail to compile the halley-launcher, i have not bothered to figure out why yet although i assume if you build it manually after the assets are imported it will work


A hopefully simple template for getting started with amzeratul's halley engine






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