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Fisher Vector for Dense Trajectories (DTFV)

DTFV is a C   implementation of Fisher Vector coding for Dense Trajectories. For each video, it generates Fisher Vectors for the five feature modalities of DT (TRAJ, HOG, HOF, MBHX, MBHY). These vectors can be used to train video classifiers with linear SVM.

DTFV requires VLFeat 0.9.17 (
It works with the output format of Dense Trajectories 3rd version (

First download and compile VLFeat 0.9.17, put at ./vl
Then simply "make"

We demonstrate how to extract DTFV for UCF 101 videos:
1. Compile the code to get compute_fv
2. In ../script/, change the following variables:
    dtBin: location of DT feature extractor
    fvBin: location of Fisher Vector binary
    tmpDir: temporary dir to store resized videos
    pID: we use PBS for parallelization, pID is given by the $PBS_VNODENUM environment variable (from 0 to #cores-1), and is used for load balancing
    pcaList: a text file which provides the locations of PCA projection matrix files, in the order of TRAJ, HOG, HOF, MBHX, MBHY
    codeBookList: a text file which provides the locations of GMM codebook files, in the order of TRAJ, HOG, HOF, MBHX, MBHY

    We provide pretrained PCA and GMM codebooks in the ../data directory. The number of GMM clusters is 512.
3. In ../script/, provide your ffmpeg binary for the ffmpeg variable at line 7, it is used for resizing the videos
4. Run the script by:
    python [videoList] [outputDir] [totalCores]
    videoList: each line is the location of a video file
    outputDir: the directory to store the computed Fisher Vectors. For video A.avi, the computed Fisher Vectors are named as A.avi.[traj|hog|hof|mbhx|mbhy].fv.txt
    totalCores: for PBS, we set it to the number of cores requested for the job. Please note that the script has no built-in parallelism, pID and totalCores are used to control which chunk of videos to process.

1. Normalization
    We first compute square root normalization, then compute L2 normalization. 
2. Spatial pyramids and sliding windows
    The code does support spatial pyramids and sliding windows, see initFV() in fisher.cpp for details.
3. Non-default parameters of DT
    The change of some parameters for the DT feature extractor may result in the change of dimensionality for each feature point. We use the default dimensions for each modality and hard code them in feature.h, line 15 to 19.
4. Classification
    We use LIBLINEAR ( to train a separate model for Fisher Vectors from each modality. LIBLINEAR supports probabilistic outputs, which can be used for late fusion.
5. Memory and disc usage
    Fisher Vectors are computed incrementally by aggregating feature points, so memory won't be a big problem. We used 4GB for each core. 
    Raw DT features are not stored on disk, for each video, several MBs is used for the temporary resized video, and several MBs for the output Fisher Vectors.

For bug report, please send an email to [email protected]

We are glad if you use this code for publication, please cite:
    author    = {Chen Sun and Ram Nevatia},
    title     = {Large-scale web video event classification by use of Fisher Vectors},
    booktitle = {WACV},
    year      = {2013}