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npm i @cheaty-sheet/cheaty or npm i -g @cheaty-sheet/cheaty to use the cli in your whole system.


Cheaty is made to simple as simple as possible. You can use it as script or as CLI. the main goal of cheaty is to convert a cheat sheet definition into a real one. For that, we use a system of parser and renderer.

Rendered cheat sheet are print ready, A4 formatted, interactive html files.

Every block on the html cheat sheet is moveable by drag and drop !


const cheaty = require("@cheaty-sheet/cheaty");
const YMLParser = cheaty.parsers.YMLParser;
const HTMLRenderer = cheaty.renderers.HTMLRenderer;

new YMLParser().parseFromDisk("./cheatsheet.yml").then(sheet => {
  new HTMLRenderer().render(sheet).then(render => {

YMLParser instance have a parseFromDisk('PATH') method which will parse your sheet cheat. For now, we only provide a YML parser. But you can expect more to come in the future ! Then as for parser, we can instantiate a HTMLRenderer which have a render(sheet) method to render your sheet cheat. And for now, we only support HTML rendering. The returned render object have 2 method : .toString() to get the cheatsheet as (html) string, and .savetoDisk(OUTPUT_PATH) to directly save your generated sheet cheat on disk.

Parser also have a .parseFromString(STRING) to directly parse content. Here you would pass a YML string.


One simpler option is to directly use the cheaty command.

cheaty render <inputs...>

render the given input

  inputs  input(s) yaml file                                            [string]

  --version     Show version number                                    [boolean]
  -h, --help    Show help                                              [boolean]
  -o, --output  output folder                           [string] [default: "./"]

So you could use cheaty cheatsheet.yml and then open the newly created cheatsheet.html file.

Real time preview

Using nodemon you can restart the cli on each modification of your sheet. Here is an example using the cheaty cli

nodemon -e yml --exec "cheaty render" cheatsheet.yml

You can also use nodemon to watch the build script from the previous part of this doc

nodemon -e yml script.js

We provide a VScode live preview extension for cheaty !

YML syntax

Cheat sheet are divided into the following structure : block > section. The most basic cheat sheet would be

title: My Cheatsheet
description: custom description
  - title: My first block
      - type: text
        content: My first content

A sheet could contain as many blocks as needed, depending on the block size (it have to fit on an A4 paper).

Minimal required properties are :

  • A title
  • A description, which can be empty
  • An array of blocks, which must contain at least one block, with at least one section in it.

Title and description can be markdown

Global options

It is possible to override some parameters in cheaty by using the options block.

title: My Cheatsheet
description: custom description
    key: value
  - title: My first block
      - type: text
        content: My first content

Paper size

You can customize the sheet paper size using the size options. It accept the following value :

  • A3
  • A4
  • A5
  • legal
  • letter

All format have landscape possibilities like A4 landscape

default: A4

title: My Cheatsheet
description: custom description
    size: A5 landscape


You can add a author mention using the author options. This option fully support markdown.

title: My Cheatsheet
description: custom description
    author: Hello [cheaty sheet](

Note that due to YML limitation, a single markdown link is not a valid string. You'll have to write it like author: "[cheaty sheet]("


You can add a logo on document using the logo options.

title: My Cheatsheet
description: custom description


You can add a watermark on document using the watermark options.

title: My Cheatsheet
description: custom description
    watermark: Confidential

Font Size

You can change the default font size of blocks using the font_size options. Font size are in pt. Default to 6pt.

font_size use css style. It will be overwritten by the use of replace_style and replace_style_url

title: My Cheatsheet
description: custom description
    font_size: 11

Highlight.js theme

Code highlight is done via highlight.js. You can choose a theme on the demo page.

default: github

title: My Cheatsheet
description: custom description
    highlight_theme: darkula

Provide your own css

You can inject or replace your own css.

To add css :

title: My Cheatsheet
description: custom description
    additional_style: '.foo {color:black;}'

To overwrite cheaty css:

title: My Cheatsheet
description: custom description
    replace_style: '.foo {color:black;}'

replace_style has priority over additional_style, thus having replace_style in options will deactivate any other style relative option.

You can also link to an external style sheet by using additional_style_url or replace_style_url.

You can also inject style in blocks. You might prefer this for block specific settings, like font-size.

Blocks and Sections

A block represent a reserved space on the sheet paper. It must have a title and at least one section. A block can contain as many sections are needed.

Section are the real content of you sheet. At least, each section will have a type and content property. As you might have now guessed, they are multiple block type.

Text section

Used to represent a text paragraph. It can be used for description of anything you want

type: text
content: My first content

Markdown section

Used to represent a text paragraph. It can be used for description of anything you want.

type: markdown
content: My first **link** to [google](

We support github flavored markdown. Check the documentation for all features.

Code section

Code section are highlighted portion of code. We're using highlight.js library for that part.

type: code
language: javascript
content: |-
  cheaty.parseFromDisk('./cheatsheet.yml', 'YML')
      .then(sheet => {
          sheet.render('HTML').then(htmlRender => {

language will be inserted in the html to force highlight.js to detect this syntax. So we are not relying on syntax auto detection here.

We are using multiline yaml string to insert code in the yaml file.

Please refer to the Options section of this documentation for theme customization.

Blocks options


You can override a block theme using this object. It will be serialized and injected in the style property.

  - title: My first block
      font-size: 12pt
      - type: text
        content: This will have a font-size of 12pt

Full example

You can go retrieve the cheat sheet of cheaty here, use it as example. We also provide a PDF version.
