if you're familiar with services like https://aternos.org/ you know that queues can get ridicolous
with glowstone you can just host your own server and let other people join it via glowstone proxy/tcp mux
for now you have to host the proxy yourself, but even smallest vm will suffice which is not true for mc servers
m := glowstone.NewMux()
//Tries to connect with the other mux on port 8000
if err := m.Dial(":8000"); err != nil {
//When connection is successfull, we can start receiving packets
if err := m.Recv(); err != nil {
Server, this usually sits somewhere in the clould or on any other machine exposed to external internet traffic
m := glowstone.NewMux()
//Listens for other mux to connect,
if err := m.ListenMux(":8000"); err != nil {
//Listens for other players to connect, after that it handles each connection and forwards it to your minecraft server
if err := m.Listen(":9500"); err != nil {