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This submodule assists with handling key business logic functions and processes.


One may conceive of MACI as a state machine with 1) data and 2) functions which transform said data. This makes it easier to reason about the system, write tests, and implement functionality. It also allows us to implement the smart contracts in discrete components which are easy to test.

To this end, we this submodule exposes a MaciState class and a User class.


Each `User object has the following attributes:

pubKey: PubKey: The user's public key.

votes: SnarkBigInt[]: The voice credits assigned to each vote option.

voiceCreditBalance: SnarkBigInt: The user's remaining voice credit balance.



Function signature:

(_voteOptionTreeDepth: number): StateLeaf

Generates and returns an equivalent StateLeaf domain object. This function helps MaciState to generate a state tree.


Function signature:

(): User

Deep-copies and returns this object.


We denote all state data as attributes of a MaciState object.

Only the coordinator should have access to state data. Each user can only access their own keypair, commands, and on-chain state and message tree roots.

MaciState contains the following attributes:

coordinatorKeypair: Keypair: The coordinator's keypair.

users: User[]: An array of User objects, each of which represents the current state of a user.

stateTreeDepth: SnarkBigInt: The depth of the state tree.

messageTreeDepth: SnarkBigInt: The depth of the message tree.

voteOptionTreeDepth: SnarkBigInt: The depth of each user's vote option tree.

messages: Message[]: An array of all published messages.

zerothStateLeaf: StateLeaf: The leaf of the state tree at index 0. This means that the zeroth user in users has index 1 in the state tree.

maxVoteOptionIndex: SnarkBigInt: The maximum allowed vote options. For instance, even if the vote option tree supports up to 16 vote options, this value can be set to 12 so as to enforce the fact that there are only 12 options to choose from.

encPubKeys: PubKey[]: An array of public keys used to generate ephermeral ECDH shared keys with which to encrypt commands to messages. For each PubKey in encPubKey, its corresponding Message in messages shares the same array index.


The following functions modify the state:

  • signUp()
  • publishMessage()
  • processMessage()
  • batchProcessMessage()

The following functions do not modify the state:

  • copy()
  • genStateTree()
  • genStateRoot()
  • genMessageTree()
  • genMessageRoot()
  • computeCumulativeVoteTally()
  • genUpdateStateTreeCircuitInputs()
  • genBatchUpdateStateTreeCircuitInputs()


Function signature:

    _pubKey: PubKey,
    _initialVoiceCreditBalance: SnarkBigInt,
): void

Appends a User with the specified public key and initial voice credit balance to the users array.


Function signature:

    _message: Message,
    _encPubKey: PubKey,
): void

Appends a Message to the messages array. It also appends the public key used to generate the ECDH shared key which encrypts _message to the encPubKeys array.


Function signature:

(_index: number): void

This function:

  1. Generates a shared key using encPubKeys[index] and coordinatorKeyPair.pubKey
  2. Decrypts messages[_index] to derive a Command
  3. If the message is invalid, do nothing and return
  4. If the message is valid, update the user's public key and vote at _index.


Function signature:

    _index: number,
    _batchSize: number,
    _randomStateLeaf: StateLeaf,
): void

This function runs processMessage() on a batch of _batchSize leaves starting from index _index, and then replaces the zeroth leaf with _randomStateLeaf.


Function signature:

(): IncrementalMerkleTree

Generates and returns the state tree as an incremental Merkle tree.


Function signature:

(): SnarkBigInt

This function computes the state root given the data stored in users and zerothStateLeaf.


Function signature:

(): IncrementalMerkleTree

Generates and returns the message tree as an incremental Merkle tree.


Function signature:

(): SnarkBigInt

This function computes the state root given the data stored in messsages.


Function signature:

genUpdateStateTreeCircuitInputs = (_index: number): object

Generates the circuit inputs (both public and private) for the UpdateStateTree circuit, as an object with the following attributes:

  • coordinator_public_key
  • ecdh_private_key
  • ecdh_public_key
  • message
  • msg_tree_root
  • msg_tree_path_elements
  • msg_tree_path_index
  • vote_options_leaf_raw
  • vote_options_tree_root
  • vote_options_tree_path_elements
  • vote_options_tree_path_index
  • vote_options_max_leaf_index
  • state_tree_data_raw
  • state_tree_max_leaf_index
  • state_tree_root
  • state_tree_path_elements
  • state_tree_path_index


Function signature:

genBatchUpdateStateTreeCircuitInputs = (
        _index: number,
        _batchSize: number,
        _randomStateLeaf: StateLeaf,
) => object

Generates the circuit inputs (both public and private) for the BatchUpdateStateTree circuit, as an object with the following attributes:

  • coordinator_public_key
  • message
  • ecdh_private_key
  • ecdh_public_key
  • msg_tree_root
  • msg_tree_path_elements
  • msg_tree_batch_start_index
  • random_leaf
  • state_tree_root
  • state_tree_path_elements
  • state_tree_path_index
  • random_leaf_root
  • random_leaf_path_elements
  • vote_options_leaf_raw
  • state_tree_data_raw
  • state_tree_max_leaf_index
  • vote_options_max_leaf_index
  • vote_options_tree_root
  • vote_options_tree_path_elements
  • vote_options_tree_path_index


Function signature:

genQuadVoteTallyCircuitInputs = (
    _startIndex: SnarkBigInt,
    _batchSize: SnarkBigInt,
    _currentResultsSalt: SnarkBigInt,
    _newResultsSalt: SnarkBigInt,
): object

Generates the circuit inputs (both public and private) for the QuadVoteTally circuit, as an object with the following attributes:

  • voteLeaves
  • stateLeaves
  • currentResults
  • fullStateRoot
  • currentResultsSalt
  • newResultsSalt
  • currentResultsCommitment
  • intermediatePathElements
  • intermediatePathIndex
  • intermediateStateRoot


Function signature:

(): MaciState

This function returns a deep-copied MaciState object.