- many people are not aware about the risk of infection present in their locality itself
- there is no self-test or online doctor portal available readily
- no means to mark the infected persons’ location and show their proximity from you.
Open Command Prompt/Terminal and copy-paste the following command:
git clone https://github.com/chandrikadeb7/Covid-19-HelpDesk.git
- Download Files.
- Install Xampp/Wamp or any Apache server.
- Install Xampp
- After installing.
- Put all the files in "user\Applications\XAMPP\htdocs\webucator\Covid-19 Helpdesk".
- Open Xampp Control Panel.
- Start "MySQL Database", "ProFTPD", "Apache Web Server".
- Click on Restart all and the status will show running.
Kindly have a look at 'html/dbconnect.php' file
- Set username = "root" and password = " " on Phpmyadmin: "http://localhost/phpmyadmin/"
- Create Database: covid-19 by clicking 'New' option on left side panel.
- Import the following tables in the database:
- data/users.sql
- data/patient.sql
- html/gps-tracker-master/sql/1a-track.sql
- html/gps-tracker-master/sql/1b-riders.sql
- Now, open it on browser "http://localhost/webucator/Covid-19 Helpdesk/html/login.php".
Best Of Luck! 👍