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Experimental FOSS Place And Route backend for the Lattice MachXO2 family of FPGAs. Fuzzing takes place as a subproject of prjtrellis.

Known to work:

  • Basic routing from pads to SLICEs and back!
  • Basic packing of one type of FF and LUT into half of a SLICE!
  • Using the internal oscillator OSCH as a clock
  • LOGIC SLICE mode

Things that probably work but are untested:

  • Any non-3.3V I/O standard that doesn't use bank VREFs.

Things remaining to do include (but not limited to):

  • More intelligent and efficient packing
  • Global Routing (exists in database/sim models, nextpnr-machxo2 doesn't use it yet)
  • Secondary High Fanout Nets
  • Edge Clocks (clock pads work, but not routed to global routing yet)
  • PLLs
  • Synchronous Release Global Set/Reset Interface (SGSR)
  • Embedded Function Block (EFB)
  • All DDR-related functionality
  • Bank VREFs
  • Embedded Block RAM (EBR)
  • CCU2 and DPRAM SLICE modes

Quick Start

The following commands are known to work on a near-fresh Linux Mint system (thank you securelyfitz!):


sudo apt install cmake clang-format libboost-all-dev build-essential
qt5-default libeigen3-dev build-essential clang bison flex libreadline-dev
gawk tcl-dev libffi-dev git graphviz xdot pkg-config python3
libboost-system-dev libboost-python-dev libboost-filesystem-dev zlib1g-dev
python3-setuptools python3-serial


Use an empty directory to hold all the cloned repositories. Upstream repos can be used as well (e.g. YosysHQ/prjtrellis, etc.).

git clone [email protected]:cr1901/prjtrellis.git
cd prjtrellis
git checkout facade
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd libtrellis
make -j 8
sudo make install

cd ../../

git clone [email protected]:cr1901/yosys.git
cd yosys/
git checkout machxo2
make config-gcc
sudo make install

cd ../

git clone [email protected]:tinyfpga/TinyFPGA-A-Programmer.git
cd TinyFPGA-A-Programmer/
sudo python install

cd ../

git clone [email protected]:cr1901/nextpnr.git
cd nextpnr
git checkout machxo2
git submodule update --init --recursive

Although uncommon, the facade and machxo2 branches of the above repos are occassionally rebased; use git pull -f if necessary.


If you have a TinyFPGA Ax2 board with the TinyFPGA Programmer, the following script will build a blinky bitstream and load it onto the MachXO2; the gateware will flash the LED!

cd machxo2/examples/
sh tinyfpga

The tinyfpga.v code used in is slightly modified from the user's guide to accommodate (* LOC = "pin" *) constraints and the built-in user LED.