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Generalized Linear Models

import ""


This part of the goml package implements varied generalized linear models using gradient descent (currently, though more options for optimization methods might be available in the future.)

implemented models

Linear Least Squares Regression Logistic Regression Classification (Color is Ground Truth Class)
Linear Least Squares Regression Results Logistic Regression Results

example ordinary least squares

this is mostly from from the linear_test.go tests. You can find more examples from the testing files. The line given is z = 10 (x/10) (y/5)

// initialize data
threeDLineX = [][]float64{}
threeDLineY = []float64{}
// the line z = 10   (x/10)   (y/5)
for i := -10; i < 10; i   {
    for j := -10; j < 10; j   {
        threeDLineX = append(threeDLineX, []float64{float64(i), float64(j)})
        threeDLineY = append(threeDLineY, 10 float64(i)/10 float64(j)/5)

// initialize model
// use optimization method of Stochastic Gradient Ascent
// use α (learning rate) = .0001 / 1e-4
// use λ (regularization term) = 13.06
// set the max iteration cap for gradient
//     descent to be 1000/1e3 iterations
// and finally pass in the data
model := linear.NewLeastSquares(base.StochasticGA, 1e-4, 13.06, 1e3, threeDLineX, threeDLineY)

// learn
err = model.Learn()
if err != nil {
    panic("There was some error learning")

// predict based on model
guess, err = model.Predict([]float64{12.016, 6.523})
if err != nil {
    panic("There was some error in the prediction")

// persist the model to disk
// path to file will be '/tmp/.goml/LeastSquares'
// and it stores the parameter vector θ as a JSON
// array
err = model.PersistToFile("/tmp/.goml/LeastSquares")
if err != nil {
    panic("There was some error persisting the model to a file!")

// restore the model from file
// note that you could have a file with a JSON
// array of floats from some other tool and it
// would import correctly as well
err = model.RestoreFromFile("/tmp/.goml/LeastSquares")
if err != nil {
    panic("There was some error persisting the model to a file!")

gradient descent optimization

Here's some data relating the cost function J(θ) and the number of iterations of the data using a 3d model. Note that in this case the data modeled off of was perfectly linear, so obviously the cost function wouldn't and shouldn't bottom out at 0.000... for real world data!

Nice Looking Graph!