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Pyserini: LTR Filtering for MS MARCO Document

This page describes how to reproduce the ltr experiments in the following paper

Yue Zhang, Chengcheng Hu, Yuqi Liu, Hui Fang, and Jimmy Lin. Learning to Rank in the Age of Muppets: Effectiveness–Efficiency Tradeoffs in Multi-Stage Ranking Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Simple and Efficient Natural Language Processing, pages 64–73, 2021.

This guide contains instructions for running learning-to-rank baseline on the MS MARCO document reranking task. Learning-to-rank serves as a second stage-reranker after BM25 retrieval; we use a sliding window and MaxP strategy here.

Performing Retrieval

We're going to use the repository's root directory as the working directory.

mkdir collections/msmarco-ltr-document

Download our already trained IBM model:

wget -P collections/msmarco-ltr-document/
tar -xzvf collections/msmarco-ltr-document/model-ltr-ibm.tar.gz -C collections/msmarco-ltr-document/

Download our already trained LTR model:

wget -P collections/msmarco-ltr-document/
tar -xzvf collections/msmarco-ltr-document/model-ltr-msmarco-passage-mrr-v1.tar.gz -C collections/msmarco-ltr-document/

Now, we have all things ready and can run inference:

python -m \
  --index msmarco-doc-per-passage-ltr \
  --model collections/msmarco-ltr-document/msmarco-passage-ltr-mrr-v1 \
  --ibm-model collections/msmarco-ltr-document/ibm_model/ \
  --topic tools/topics-and-qrels/ \
  --qrel tools/topics-and-qrels/ \
  --output runs/run.ltr.msmarco-doc.tsv \
  --granularity document \
  --max-passage --hits 10000

Note that internally, retrieval depends on tokenization with spaCy; our implementation currently depends on v3.2.1 (this is potentially important as tokenization might change from version to version).

After the run finishes, we can evaluate the results using the official MS MARCO evaluation script:

$ python -m pyserini.eval.msmarco_doc_eval \
    --judgments msmarco-doc-dev \
    --run runs/run.ltr.msmarco-doc.tsv

MRR @100: 0.31088730804779396
QueriesRanked: 5193

We can also use the official TREC evaluation tool, trec_eval, to compute metrics other than MRR@10. For that we first need to convert the run file into TREC format:

$ python -m pyserini.eval.convert_msmarco_run_to_trec_run \
    --input runs/run.ltr.msmarco-doc.tsv --output runs/run.ltr.msmarco-doc.trec

And then run the trec_eval tool:

$ python -m pyserini.eval.trec_eval -c -mrecall.1000 -mmap \
    msmarco-doc-dev runs/run.ltr.msmarco-doc.trec

map                   	all	0.3109
recall_1000           	all	0.9268

Building the Index from Scratch

First, we need to download the collection:

mkdir collections/msmarco-doc
wget -P collections/msmarco-doc
wget -P collections/msmarco-doc

We will need to generate the collection of passage segments. Here, we use segment size 3 and stride 1, and then append fields for LTR pipeline.

python scripts/ltr_msmarco/ \
  --original_docs_path collections/msmarco-doc/msmarco-docs.tsv.gz \
  --doc_ids_path collections/msmarco-doc/msmarco_doc_passage_ids.txt \
  --output_docs_path collections/msmarco-doc/msmarco_pass_doc.jsonl

python scripts/ltr_msmarco/ \
  --input collections/msmarco-doc/msmarco_pass_doc.jsonl \
  --output collections/msmarco-ltr-document/ltr_msmarco_pass_doc.json \
  --proc_qty 10

The above script will convert the collection and queries to json files with text_unlemm, analyzed, text_bert_tok and raw fields. Note that the tokenization script depends on spaCy; our implementation currently depends on v3.2.1 (this is potentially important as tokenization might change from version to version). Next, we need to convert the MS MARCO json collection into Anserini's jsonl files (which have one json object per line):

python scripts/ltr_msmarco/ \
  --collection-path collections/msmarco-ltr-document/ltr_msmarco_pass_doc.json \
  --output-folder collections/msmarco-ltr-document/ltr_msmarco_pass_doc_jsonl  

We can now index these docs as a JsonCollection using Anserini with pretokenized option:

python -m pyserini.index.lucene \
  --collection JsonCollection \
  --input collections/msmarco-ltr-document/ltr_msmarco_pass_doc_jsonl \
  --index indexes/lucene-index-msmarco-doc-per-passage-ltr \
  --generator DefaultLuceneDocumentGenerator \
  --threads 21 \
  -storePositions --storeDocvectors --storeRaw --pretokenized

Note that the --pretokenized option pretokenized tells Pyserini to use the whitespace analyzer so preserve the existing tokenization.

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