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The Different Points of Vue

Project setup

npm install

Running the slideshow whilst also allowing development

npm run serve


If you would like to use the vue-cli as shown in the demo, you will need to install the CLI and then import the project.

# install the CLI
npm install -g @vue/cli

# run the UI
vue ui

This will launch a browser from which you can import the root folder of this project.

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Rough Transcript of Talk

There is a rough transcript of the talk to go with the Slideshow in the root directory called Each heading in the transcript should match each slide heading, except for the final sections "Technical Differences" and "The Different Points of Vue".

Slideshow Documentation

In the components folder you will find a @/components/Slide.vue and @/components/Slideshow.vue which are components that are used to make the slideshow that is presented. To see them in use, please have a look at @/views/Presentation.vue.

The Slideshow system uses vuex but it was merely introduced to show how you would implement vuex, it is really not necessary and the entire system could have been made without it.

NOTE: Webpack is configured in Vue to alias the src folder to @


  • Contains Sass variables for use throughout the project, which also override a few Bootstrap variables.


  • Has a title prop used to display the Title of the slide.
  • Has a currentStep data property (or state) which tracks what step the slide is up to
  • Has a click observer attached to the wrapping div which triggers nextStep().
  • nextStep() increments the currentStep and resets it, if it is at the end of the cycle. It will also dispatch a vuex event called slideCompleted.
    • NOTE: If we were not using vuex we could use this.$emit('slideCompleted') and then attach handlers on the parent component using @slideCompleted="method()" to hook into the event. Since we do not want to define this on every slide ourselves, vuex allows us to have a central state that we manage instead.
  • Has a <transition-group> wrapping element for the animations (for more information please see:
  • "slide" animation is defined in App.vue using css and the transition classes provided by Vue.
  • Has a computed property (steps) that is the amount of <slots> passed by the parent
  • Creates slots for the amount of steps and only displays the step if its less than the currentStep
  • Names each slot so then we can define order of steps


  • Has a currentSlide and slideCount computed property which uses the vuex mapGetters function
    • NOTE: mapGetters just maps the string to a getter in the store, e.g. currentSlide maps to currentSlide () { return this.$store.getters.currentSlide() }
  • Has a <transition-group> wrapping element for the animations (for more information please see:
  • "slide" animation is defined in App.vue using css and the transition classes provided by Vue.
  • Creates slots according to the slideCount and only displays the slide if its less than the currentSlide
  • Names each slot so then we can define order of slides
  • If we were not using vuex the data would all be stored on this component, rather than vuex getters, and we would listen for the emitted slideCompleted event from each slide, to then update the currentSlide value.


  • Has an initial state which contains slideCount preconfigured with the amount of slides there will be
  • Has a single mutation which is similar to Slide.vue's nextStep() method
  • slideCompeleted is an action that can be dispatched from any component using this.$store.dispatch('slideCompleted')
  • Has two getters, which are used to pass down state to components that require them (in this case the Slideshow component)
  • For more information on how vuex works with mutations, actions and getters please see


  • Contains the actual Presentation content
  • Has one wrapping Slideshow component which requires at least one element with a slot attribute using the naming pattern slideX
  • Each element then has nested elements with a slot attribute using the naming pattern stepX
  • You can have as many steps as you want
  • However many slides you define, must match the slideCount state defined in the vuex store

Quirks / Extras

  • Bootstrap is used and referenced in App.vue. We reference node_modules using ~ and only grab the layout parts of Bootstrap rather than the full library.
  • The slideshow component was made with only one slideshow in mind. You could modify the css and events being triggered so that you could support more than one slideshow on a page. This would also require the slideshow to have its state passed in via a prop, otherwise all Slideshows would share the same state.
  • You could have an event to initialise the slideshow which counts the amount of slots to automatically work out how many slides are being inserted into the Slideshow rather than relying on manually configuring it.
  • There is a vue-router in use but there is currently one route in use. An alternative to the Slideshow approach used, would be to wrap the <router-view> used in App.vue with a <transition> so that on every route change there is an animation. You would then need to define each slide as a route, and have the content passed in via a prop - which may not look as nice as the current approach.


Presentation used for The Different Points of Vue






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