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E2E Testing environment using nightwatch, JS, and HTML reports.

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Todoist Project - QA Challenge Wizeline


Project Structure

├── .github                                 # Github Actions config file.
├── api_tests                               # Postman Enviroment collection & environment files.
├── test                                    # Main Page Object Model folder.
│   ├── data                                # Data providers, Roles, data Test and users.
│   ├── pages                               # All the pages, including the Common/Base page.
│   ├── steps                               # All the steps, including the workarround steps.
│   ├── tests                               # All Test files.
└── report                                  # Visual report folders to save JSON & HTML files.
│   ├── HTMLReport
│   ├── JSONreport
└── .env                                    # Follow the 3th & 4th steps to create the file.
└── nightwatch.conf.json                    # Nightwatch config file.
└── package.json                            # Config main Dependencies.
└── report-generator.js                     # HTML Visual report config file.

Set Up the Project:

  1. Clone the project:

    git clone

  2. Open the project and run the next command in the terminal to install the libraries from package.json:

    npm install

  3. In the root folder create a new file with the next name:


  4. Open the .env file and add the next variables. In BASE_URL add the home page url, in USER_SUCCESS and PASSWORD_SUCCESS add a valid email and password to login successfully in the todoist application:


    [email protected]


Run the Test Cases Scripts:

  1. Open the terminal and add the next commands to run the test scripts:

    npm run TEST:001_TODOIST_USER_LOGIN_SUCCESS : run all the test scripts

    TEST:002_TODOIST_USER_LOGIN_INCORRECT_EMAIL : run the login form test cases

    TEST:003_TODOIST_USER_LOGIN_INCORRECT_PASSWORD : run the creation of tasks test cases

Create a Report: Run Test with Report

  1. First, run the next command to generate a JSON file with the data provided:

    npm run TEST:003_TODOIST_USER_LOGIN_INCORRECT_PASSWORD --reporter html-reporter.js

  2. Second, to open the HTML report run the next command. It going to open a browser to shows the assertions and results:

    npm run Test:Login --reporter html-reporter-statistics.js

Review Code:

  1. To analyzes the JavaScript code and quickly find problems on libraries, run the next command:

    npm fund fix

API Testing:

  1. To run the API tests use the next command:

    npm run test-api

Slack Notifications: Integration

  1. To run the tests with notifications eneable use the next command:

npm install --save-dev nightwatch-slack-reporter


You can configure Slack reporter options in [test globals] or [configuration file].

options = {
  slack_message: function(results, options) { // function or message string
    return {
      text: 'Test completed, passed '   results.passed   ', failed '   results.failed,
      username: 'Nightwatch',
      icon_emoji: ':ghost:'
    } // Message payload or string
  slack_webhook_url: ''
  // This can be specified with SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL environment variable


[Carlos Eduardo Cervantes Arteaga]


  • nightwatch
  • postman (API)
  • dotenv
  • html-reporter-handlebars
  • slack integration