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Template Documentation


This repository contains the content for the Vuetify-Flask-GoogleLogin Template project.

  • Flask as backend
  • Vue Vuetify Vuex as frontend
  • Google Login as oauth authentication
  • Celery as background worker
  • Alembic as database migration tool

Development Setup


  • Install python version 3.x
  • Install project dependencies cd backend pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Run the development server python
  • The web application listens on port 8888
  • Backend configuration is in Config/
  • Whenever any model is changed use documentation about data migration to migrate db to accomodate new changes.


  • Install npm from node
  • Install frontend dependencies cd frontend npm install
  • Review application page title in the files frontent/.env.development and frontent/.env.production
  • Run the development server npm run serve
  • Navigate to the UI using the browser
  • Frontend configuration is in src/config.js

Database Migration

  • Database migrations are handled implicitly using Flask-Migrate.
  • Before first run, create your initial migrations using flask db init
  • After init, create the first migration with flask db migrate -m "Initial migration."
  • To apply the changes or create db before first run flask db upgrade
  • For subsequent Model change, generate the migration script using flask db migrate -m "Added columns for job creation."
  • Flask-Migrate cannot detect all changes and requires manual review of scripts generated but works for the common cases out of the box.
  • The migration scripts are in the folder Models/Migrations

Data Seeding

  • backend/Models/Seed/Products.json is an example seed file that fills in the Products table.
  • The Seed table keeps a track of changes to this file and seeds data every time a change is detected.
  • Data seeding is explicitly called in backend/Models/

Authentication Setup

  • Setup your own Google auth project as described here
  • In the Config/ replace the Google secret with one for your project.
  • in frontend/src/config.js replace client_id with your client id.

Background Workers

  • Add your background worker files in backend/Workers
  • in add a reference to this new worker py file in conf imports next to
  • Change the number of Worker processes launched from Workers/
  • Celery uses file system broker. Change the configuration to use redis - rabbitmq


  • Frontend to be built using npm run build which copies the built files to backend/Ui
  • Backend run in production mode using FLASK_ENV=production python
  • Deploy as a systemd service by modifying the backend/Deploy/template.service file


  • The .md document files are included in the Help section of the application.
  • They contain an outer skeleton and can be expanded as required.

Release Management

  • git tags can be used to manage releases but this is not fully functional and requires tweaks.
  • Create a release using git tag v00.00.02 followed by git push origin --tags
  • The available releases are visible on the Administration -> "Server Health" page.


Vuetify-Flask-Google login Template






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