Art-Net DMX over IP library for Java and Processing. This library adds a lot of features to the existing artnet4j project. Including support to read dmx data.
- Bind server to a custom network interface
- Reuse of the socket address
- Added ability to receive
packages - Send and receive via UDP broadcast.
- Support for Art-Ext packages.
- Support for OpTimeCode packages (thanks to @MrExplode)
- Port selection of the UDP services
- Supports java version
(oracle and openjdk)
I recommend to install it from maven central. Otherwise it is also possible to use github packages, or just the binary download.
repositories {
dependencies {
compile 'ch.bildspur:artnet4j:0.6.2'
The library adds a new class called ArtNetClient
, which contains easy access to the underlaying Art-Net implementation.
To send dmx data you have to create a new client. It is possible to skip the buffer creation by passing null
to the constructor.
byte[] dmxData = new byte[512];
ArtNetClient artnet = new ArtNetClient();
// set data
dmxData[0] = 128;
// send data to localhost on subnet 0 and universe 0
artnet.unicastDmx("", 0, 0, dmxData);
Based on SendDmxData
It is also possible to send the data via broadcast.
// to broad cast data
artnet.broadcastDmx(0, 0, dmxData);
To read data you have to create a new client and read the bytes from the buffer. Please be aware that you have to mask the bytes with 0xFF
(because they are signed).
ArtNetClient artnet = new ArtNetClient();
byte[] data = artnet.readDmxData(0, 0);
System.out.println("First Byte: " data[0] & 0xFF);
Based on ReceiveDmxData
While creating the ArtNetClient
, it is possible to select the specific ports for the server (incoming) and the client (outgoing).
ArtNetClient artnet = new ArtNetClient(new ArtNetBuffer(), 8000, 8000);
Based on SendOnSpecificPort
It is also possible to set a custom network interface. Here you see how to bind a custom network interface en5
to the ArtNet server:
NetworkInterface ni = NetworkInterface.getByName("en5");
InetAddress address = ni.getInetAddresses().nextElement();
Sometimes it is necessary to receive events when a new package was received. For this prupose you can get the underlaying ArtNetServer and add a new listener to it.
artnet = new ArtNetClient();
// add packet listener to server
new ArtNetServerEventAdapter() {
@Override public void artNetPacketReceived(ArtNetPacket packet) {
println("new packet received!");
The library is based on then artnet4j project.
Art-Net by Artistic Licence allows for broadcasting DMX data via IP/UDP. This library is implementing the basic protocol for Java applications.
Currently supported core features are:
- Device/node discovery & automatic updating of node configurations
- Java typed descriptors of nodes & node properties
- Abstracted DmxUniverse allowing direct pixel/channel access without having to deal with packets
- JAXB configuration support for storing universe/node descriptions as XML
- Listener support for various events
- Sending of DMX512 data via UDP broadcast or unicast
This project is currently still in pre-alpha stage, so currently only source access via hg. Be also aware that large parts of the codebase are still undergoing major changes.
New features are developed by Florian.