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A starter development kit to script your CI/CD using Nuke.

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This project adheres to semantic versioning. Major version zero (0.y.z) is for initial development.

Anything MAY change at any time.

The public API SHOULD NOT be considered stable.

The problem

Most of the time, to set up a CI/CD for your .NET project, you have two options :

1. Going through your repository and use its embedded GUI to create the pipeline

This approach is nice and helpful to get started. But most of the time, the history of changes made to the pipeline is separated from the history of the code base.

2. Writing a pipeline file of some sort

Most of the time in YAML, the file that describes the steps required to build a project are providers specific. So even though you can write YAML, knowing how to write an Azure DevOps pipeline does not really help when it comes to writing a pipeline for GitHub Actions.

The solution

Nuke is a library written by Matthias Koch that helps to create builds.

This project offers an opinionated way at writing pipelines by giving a set of components (more on that later) with the following benefits :

  1. no need to go your code management tool to set up your project CI/CD.
  2. no more YAML file : yeah YAML is great but the tooling is not great and the structure itself is error-prone.
  3. it's just a C# project that every team member can contribute to !
  4. it sits right with your source code so that each change to the pipeline is just a commit into your codebase.

Try it out

To get started you'll have to :

  1. install Nuke.GlobalTool dotnet tool (locally or globally)
  2. run dotnet nuke :setup to set up your pipeline project
  3. replace the Nuke.Common nuget dependency with Candoumbe.Pipelines

From this point, you should be able to customize your pipeline by adding [components] \o/.

How does it work ?

This library is built on top of Nuke, an open source library started by Matthias Koch. It provides a set of components that, when added to a pipeline, bring clever default features.

Components are C# interfaces that come with a default / opinionated implementation. They are grouped in namespaces which correspond to their main task.

  • Candoumbe.Pipelines.Components : contains the core components needed for general required tasks.

Let's say you have the following Build.cs class as your starting pipeline

class Build : NukeBuild
    public static void Main() => Execute<Build>(x => x.Compile());

    Target Compile => _ => _
        .Executes(() => {

            // Code omitted for brievity


you can get rid of the Compile property and use the ICompile component instead.

class Build : NukeBuild, ICompile
    public static void Main() => Execute<Build>(x => ((ICompile)x).Compile());


In the example above, the build pipeline benefits from the ICompile component which comes with a default implementation of the Compile target.


This workspace contains components related to branching strategies and providing tools that can help normalize how teams works.

IGitFlow and IGitHubFlow are two main components that helps handle branching strategy locally.

Some components are used to set the workflow to use throughout a repository and streamline the work of a developer and a team.

working on a feature / hotfix

%%{init: {"flowchart": {"htmlLabels": false}} }%%
    A((start)) --> B[["./build feature"]]
    A -->O[["./build hotfix"]]
    O --> P{is on 'hotfix' branch ?}
    P -- yes --> finish-hotfix
    P -- no --> Q{{computes semver}}
    Q --> R{{creates 'hotfix/<semver>' branch}}
    R --> S[work on your hotfix]
    S --> T{Are you done}
    T -- yes --> O
    T -- not yet --> S
    B --> C{is on 'feature/*' branch ?}
    C -- yes --> finish-feature
    C -- no --> D[Creates a new feature/* branch]
    D --> E[Work on your feature]
    E --> F{Are you done ?}
    F --yes --> B
    F -- not yet --> E

    subgraph finish-feature[Finish feature]
      N{{Merges changes to develop branch}}
    subgraph finish-hotfix[Finish hotfix]
       Y{{Merges changes to main branch}}

    finish-hotfix --> Z
    finish-feature --> Z((end))

using IGitFlowWithPullRequest or IGitHubFlowWithPullRequest components, the library can automagically create a pull request once you're done working on your feature / hotfix.

class Build : NukeBuild, IGitFlowWithPullRequest
    public static void Main() => Execute<Build>(x => x.Compile());

    Target Compile => _ => _
        .Executes(() => {

            // Code omitted for brievity



class Build : NukeBuild, IGitHubFlowWithPullRequest
    public static void Main() => Execute<Build>(x => x.Compile());

    Target Compile => _ => _
        .Executes(() => {

            // Code omitted for brievity


depending on the workflow that better suits you.

working on a release

To start working on a release, simply call ./build.cmd release and your pipeline will trigger the appropriate commands to get you started.

Calling ./build.cmd release from the release branch created will trigger the appropriate command to finish your release.

%%{init: {"flowchart": {"htmlLabels": false}} }%%
    A((start)) --> B["./build release"]
    B --> C{is on 'release/*' branch ?}
    C -- no --> create-branch
    subgraph create-branch[Create a release branch]
        G{{computes semver version}} --> H{{create release/version branch}}
    create-branch --> D[Work on your release]
    C -- yes --> finish-release
    D --> E{Are you done ?}
    E --yes --> B
    E -- not yet --> D

    subgraph finish-release[Finish release]
      J[Update changelog] --> K{{validate changelog modifications}}
      K --> M{{create tag}}
      M --> N{{Merges changes to main branch}}
      N --> O{{Merges changes to develop branch}}

    finish-release --> Z((end))


Contains classes required to push nuget packages to repositories.


Contains classes and components needed to interact with GitHub repositories (creating pull requests).


Contains classes and components needed to build and push docker images.

⚠️ Some components may require additional packages and/or tools to be installed in order to be fully functional. For example, the default implementation of the IMutationTest component uses Stryker to run mutation tests.

You can refer to Nuke's documentation to see how to reference required tools.

Want to contribute ?

You can contribute by opening an issue or submitting a feature request.

PRs are welcome, check out the contribution guidelines if you want to contribute to this project !

Special thanks

  • Matthias Koch for the marvelous Nuke library. This project would never exist without its work.