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Universal Robot UR/URe

UR3e & Robotiq Hand-eUR3 & Robotiq 85

Custom ROS packages for the UR3 Robot with a gripper Robotiq 85 and the UR3e robot with a gripper Robotiq Hand-e. Tested on ROS Noetic Ubuntu 20.04 with Python 3.8.

For ROS Melodic see the melodic-devel branch.



Visualization of Universal Robot in RViz

To visualize the model of the robot with a gripper, launch the following:

 roslaunch ur_gripper_description display_with_gripper_hande.launch ur_robot:=ur5e

You can then use the sliders to change the joint values and the gripper values. Change the value of ur_robot to any other valid robot (ur3e, ur5e, ...)

Simulation in Gazebo 9

To simulate the robot launch the following:

 roslaunch ur_gripper_gazebo ur_gripper_85_cubes.launch ur_robot:=ur3 grasp_plugin:=1

or using ur3e:

 roslaunch ur_gripper_gazebo ur_gripper_hande_cubes.launch ur_robot:=ur3e grasp_plugin:=1

You can then send commands to the joints or to the gripper.

An example of sending joints values to the robot can be executed as follows:

 rosrun ur_control -m

To change the values of the joints, the file must be modified.

Similarly, the script include examples to control the robot's end-effector position, gripper and an example of performing grasping. Execute the following command to see the available examples.

 rosrun ur_control --help

For testing the grasping examples you need to explicitly specify that the gripper is going to be loaded, e.g.,

 rosrun ur_control --gripper --grasp_naive

The grasp_plugin example uses this plugin, and requires gazebo to be launched with the grasp_plugin parameter as True.

An easy way to control the robot using the keyboard can be found in the script:

 rosrun ur_control

Press SPACE to get a list of all valid commands to control either each independent joint or the end effector position x,y,z and rotations. To have access to the gripper controller include the option --gripper

Another option of easy control is using rqt


To test the MoveIt configuration with any UR/URe robot, start one of the gazebo environments, such as:

roslaunch ur_gripper_gazebo ur_gripper_hande_cubes.launch ur_robot:=ur3e grasp_plugin:=1

Then load the MoveIt configuration

roslaunch ur_hande_moveit_config start_moveit.launch

Then execute the tutorial

rosrun ur_control --tutorial