A SignalR Hub Utility for data scientists to push Vega charts from F# Interactive
VegaHub relies on several packages in the ASP.NET Web Stack nightly builds. You will need to add a reference to the MyGet feed in order to successfully build and run the script.
Add this to your NuGet package sources by going to Tools -> Library Package Manager -> Package Manager Settings and creating a new package source for http://www.myget.org/f/aspnetwebstacknightlyrelease/
Once you add this package source, you should build from the command line using build.bat in order to download NuGet.exe.
#load "WebApp.fs"
#load "Vega.fs"
open System
open VegaHub
let disposable = Vega.connect "http://localhost:8081"
// Simulate real-time updates
let rand = Random(42)
//let spec = Templates.bar
let spec = Templates.area
let rec loop data iter = async {
let data' = Array.append data [| Point(X = data.Length, Y = rand.Next(0, 100)) |]
// Warning: mutation!
spec.Data <- [| Data(Name = "table", Values = data') |]
Vega.send spec
do! Async.Sleep 100
if iter = 0 then () else
return! loop data' <| iter - 1
loop [||] 25 |> Async.RunSynchronously