A collection of parsers and helper libraries for understanding
ECMAScript; a near feature complete fork of slimit
. A CLI front-end
for this package is shipped separately as crimp
For any kind of build system that operates with JavaScript code in
conjunction with a module system, the ability to understand what modules
a given set of sources require or provide is paramount. As the Calmjs
project provides a framework that produces and consume these module
definitions, the the ability to have a comprehensive understanding of
given JavaScript sources is a given. This goal was originally achieved
using slimit
, a JavaScript minifier library that also provided a
comprehensive parser class that was built using Python Lex-Yacc (i.e.
However, as of mid-2017, it was noted that slimit
remained in a
minimum state of maintenance for more than four years (its most recent
release, 0.8.1, was made 2013-03-26), along with a number of serious
outstanding issues have left unattended and unresolved for the duration
of that time span. As the development of the Calmjs framework require
those issues to be rectified as soon as possible, a decision to fork the
parser portion of slimit
was made. This was done in order to cater to
the interests current to Calmjs project at that moment in time.
The fork was initial cut from another fork of slimit
lelit/slimit), as it introduced and
aggregated a number of bug fixes from various sources. To ensure a
better quality control and assurance, a number of problematic changes
introduced by that fork were removed. Also, new tests were created to
bring coverage to full, and issues reported on the slimit
tracker were
noted and formalized into test cases where applicable. Finally, grammar
rules were updated to ensure better conformance with the ECMA-262 (ES5)
The goal of calmjs.parse
is to provide a similar API that slimit
provided, except done in a much more extensible manner with more
correctness checks in place. This however resulted in some operations
that might take longer than what slimit
had achieved, such as the
pretty printing of output.
A CLI front-end that makes use of this package is provided through
The following command may be executed to source the latest stable
version of calmjs.parse
wheel from PyPI for installation into the
current Python environment.
$ pip install calmjs.parse
As this package uses ply
, it requires the generation of optimization
modules for its lexer. The wheel distribution of calmjs.parse
not require this extra step as it contains these pre-generated modules
for ply
up to version 3.11 (the latest version available at the time
of previous release), however the version of ply
that is installed is
beyond the supported version, the following caveats will apply.
If a more recent release of ply
becomes available and the environment
upgrades to that version, those pre-generated modules may become
incompatible, which may result in a decreased performance and/or errors.
A corrective action can be achieved through a manual optimization
step if a newer version of calmjs.parse
is not available, or ply
be downgraded back to version 3.11 if possible.
Alternatively, install a more recent version of calmjs.parse
that has the most complete set of pre-generated modules built.
Once the package is installed, the installation may be tested or be used directly.
This section is for developers and advanced users; contains important information for package maintainers for OS distributions (e.g. Linux) that will prevent less than ideal experiences for downstream users.
Development is still ongoing with calmjs.parse
, for the latest
features and bug fixes, the development version may be installed through
git like so:
$ pip install ply setuptools # this MUST be done first; see below for reason
$ pip install -e git https://github.com/calmjs/calmjs.parse.git#egg=calmjs.parse
Note that all dependencies MUST be pre-installed setup.py build
to run, otherwise the build step required to create the pre-generated
modules will result in failure.
If ply
isn't installed:
$ python -m pip install -e .
running egg_info
WARNING: cannot find distribution for 'ply'; using default value,
assuming 'ply==3.11' for pre-generated modules
ERROR: cannot find pre-generated modules for the assumed 'ply'
version from above and/or cannot `import ply` to build generated
modules, aborting build; please either ensure that the source
archive containing the pre-generate modules is being used, or that
the python package 'ply' is installed and available for import
before attempting to use the setup.py to build this package; please
refer to the top level README for further details
If setuptools
isn't installed:
$ python -m pip install -e .
running egg_info
Traceback (most recent call last):
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pkg_resources'
Naturally, the git repository can be cloned directly and execute
python setup.py develop
while inside the root of the source
directory; again, both ply
AND setuptools
MUST already have be
available for import.
As the git repository does NOT contain any pre-generated modules or
code, the above message is likely to be seen by developers or distro
maintainers who are on their first try at interacting with this
software. However, the zip archives released on PyPI starting from
version 1.3.0 do contain these modules fully pre-generated, thus they
may be used as part of a standard installation step, i.e. without
requiring ply
be available for import before usage of the setup.py
for any purpose. While the same warning message about ply
missing may be shown, the pre-generated modules will allow the build
step to proceed as normal.
As lex and yacc require the generation of symbol tables, a way to
optimize the performance is to cache the results. For ply
, this is
done using an auto-generated module. However, the generated file is
marked with a version number, as the results may be specific to the
installed version of ply
. In calmjs.parse
this is handled by giving
them a name specific to the version of ply
and the major Python
version, as both together does result in subtle differences in the
outputs and expectations of the auto-generated modules.
Typically, the process for this optimization is automatic and a correct
symbol table will be generated, however there are cases where this will
fail, so for this reason calmjs.parse
provide a helper module and
executable that can be optionally invoked to ensure that the correct
encoding be used to generate that file. Other reasons where this may be
necessary is to allow system administrators to do so for their end
users, as they may not have write privileges at that level.
To execute the optimizer from the shell, the provided helper script may be used like so:
$ python -m calmjs.parse.parsers.optimize
If warnings appear that warn that tokens are defined but not used, they may be safely ignored.
This step is generally optionally for users who installed this package from PyPI via a Python wheel, provided the caveats as outlined in the installation section are addressed.
To ensure that the calmjs.parse
installation is functioning correctly,
the built-in testsuite can be executed by the following:
$ python -m unittest calmjs.parse.tests.make_suite
If there are failures, please file an issue on the issue tracker with the full
traceback, and/or the method of installation. Please also include
applicable information about the environment, such as the version of
this software, Python version, operating system environments, the
version of ply
that was installed, plus other information related to
the issue at hand.
As this is a parser library, no executable shell commands are provided. There is however a helper callable object provided at the top level for immediate access to the parsing feature. It may be used like so:
>>> from calmjs.parse import es5
>>> program_source = '''
... // simple program
... var main = function(greet) {
... var hello = "hello " greet;
... return hello;
... };
... console.log(main('world'));
... '''
>>> program = es5(program_source)
>>> # for a simple repr-like nested view of the ast
>>> program # equivalent to repr(program)
<ES5Program @3:1 ?children=[
<VarStatement @3:1 ?children=[
<VarDecl @3:5 identifier=<Identifier ...>, initializer=<FuncExpr ...>>
<ExprStatement @7:1 expr=<FunctionCall @7:1 args=<Arguments ...>,
identifier=<DotAccessor ...>>>
>>> # automatic reconstruction of ast into source, without having to
>>> # call something like `.to_ecma()`
>>> print(program) # equivalent to str(program)
var main = function(greet) {
var hello = "hello " greet;
return hello;
Please note the change in indentation as the default printer has its own
indentation scheme. If comments are needed, the parser can be called
using with_comments=True
>>> program_wc = es5(program_source, with_comments=True)
>>> print(program_wc)
// simple program
var main = function(greet) {
var hello = "hello " greet;
return hello;
Also note that there are limitations with the capturing of comments as documented in the Limitations section.
The parser classes are organized under the calmjs.parse.parsers
module, with each language being under their own module. A
corresponding lexer class with the same name is also provided under the
module. For the moment, only ES5 support is
There is also a set of pretty printing helpers for turning the AST back
into a string. These are available as functions or class constructors,
and are produced by composing various lower level classes available in
the calmjs.parse.unparsers
and related modules.
There is a default short-hand helper for turning the previously produced
AST back into a string, which can be manually invoked with certain
parameters, such as what characters to use for indentation: (note that
the __str__
call implicitly invoked through print
previously is implemented through this).
>>> from calmjs.parse.unparsers.es5 import pretty_print
>>> print(pretty_print(program, indent_str=' '))
var main = function(greet) {
var hello = "hello " greet;
return hello;
There is also one for printing without any unneeded whitespaces, works as a source minifier:
>>> from calmjs.parse.unparsers.es5 import minify_print
>>> print(minify_print(program))
var main=function(greet){var hello="hello " greet;return hello;};...
>>> print(minify_print(program, obfuscate=True, obfuscate_globals=True))
var a=function(b){var a="hello " b;return a;};console.log(a('world'));
Note that in the second example, the obfuscate_globals
option was
only enabled to demonstrate the source obfuscation on the global scope,
and this is generally not an option that should be enabled on production
library code that is meant to be reused by other packages (other sources
referencing the original unobfuscated names will be unable to do so).
Alternatively, direct invocation on a raw string can be done using the attributes provided under the same name as the above base objects that were imported initially. Relevant keyword arguments would be diverted to the appropriate underlying functions, for example:
>>> # pretty print without comments being parsed
>>> print(es5.pretty_print(program_source))
var main = function(greet) {
var hello = "hello " greet;
return hello;
>>> # pretty print with comments parsed
>>> print(es5.pretty_print(program_source, with_comments=True))
// simple program
var main = function(greet) {
var hello = "hello " greet;
return hello;
>>> # minify print
>>> print(es5.minify_print(program_source, obfuscate=True))
var main=function(b){var a="hello " b;return a;};console.log(main('world'));
For the generation of source maps, a lower level unparser instance can
be constructed through one of the printer factory functions. Passing
in an AST node will produce a generator which produces tuples containing
the yielded text fragment, plus other information which will aid in the
generation of source maps. There are helper functions from the
module can be used like so to write the
regenerated source code to some stream, along with processing the
results into a sourcemap file. An example:
>>> import json
>>> from io import StringIO
>>> from calmjs.parse.unparsers.es5 import pretty_printer
>>> from calmjs.parse.sourcemap import encode_sourcemap, write
>>> stream_p = StringIO()
>>> print_p = pretty_printer()
>>> rawmap_p, _, names_p = write(print_p(program), stream_p)
>>> sourcemap_p = encode_sourcemap(
... 'demo.min.js', rawmap_p, ['custom_name.js'], names_p)
>>> print(json.dumps(sourcemap_p, indent=2, sort_keys=True))
"file": "demo.min.js",
"mappings": "AAEA;IACI;IACA;AACJ;AACA;",
"names": [],
"sources": [
"version": 3
>>> print(stream_p.getvalue())
var main = function(greet) {
Likewise, this works similarly for the minify printer, which provides the ability to create out a minified output with unneeded whitespaces removed and identifiers obfuscated with the shortest possible value.
Note that in previous example, the second return value in the write
method was not used and that a custom value was passed in. This is
simply due to how the program
was generated from a string and thus
the sourcepath
attribute was not assigned with a usable value for
populating the "sources"
list in the resulting source map. For the
following example, assign a value to that attribute on the program
>>> from calmjs.parse.unparsers.es5 import minify_printer
>>> program.sourcepath = 'demo.js' # say this was opened there
>>> stream_m = StringIO()
>>> print_m = minify_printer(obfuscate=True, obfuscate_globals=True)
>>> sourcemap_m = encode_sourcemap(
... 'demo.min.js', *write(print_m(program), stream_m))
>>> print(json.dumps(sourcemap_m, indent=2, sort_keys=True))
"file": "demo.min.js",
"names": [
"sources": [
"version": 3
>>> print(stream_m.getvalue())
var a=function(b){var a="hello " b;return a;};console.log(a('world'));
A high level API for working with named streams (i.e. opened files, or
stream objects like io.StringIO
assigned with a name attribute) is
provided by the read
and write
functions from io
The following example shows how to use the function to read from a
stream and write out the relevant items back out to the write only
>>> from calmjs.parse import io
>>> h4_program_src = open('/tmp/html4.js')
>>> h4_program_min = open('/tmp/html4.min.js', 'w ')
>>> h4_program_map = open('/tmp/html4.min.js.map', 'w ')
>>> h4_program = io.read(es5, h4_program_src)
>>> print(h4_program)
var bold = function(s) {
return '<b>' s '</b>';
var italics = function(s) {
return '<i>' s '</i>';
>>> io.write(print_m, h4_program, h4_program_min, h4_program_map)
>>> pos = h4_program_map.seek(0)
>>> print(h4_program_map.read())
{"file": "html4.min.js", "mappings": ..., "version": 3}
>>> pos = h4_program_min.seek(0)
>>> print(h4_program_min.read())
var b=function(a){return'<b>' a '</b>';};var a=function(a){...};
//# sourceMappingURL=html4.min.js.map
For a simple concatenation of multiple sources into one file, along with
inline source map (i.e. where the sourceMappingURL is a data:
URL of
the base64 encoding of the JSON string), the following may be done:
>>> files = [open('/tmp/html4.js'), open('/tmp/legacy.js')]
>>> combined = open('/tmp/combined.js', 'w ')
>>> io.write(print_p, (io.read(es5, f) for f in files), combined, combined)
>>> pos = combined.seek(0)
>>> print(combined.read())
var bold = function(s) {
return '<b>' s '</b>';
var italics = function(s) {
return '<i>' s '</i>';
var marquee = function(s) {
return '<marquee>' s '</marquee>';
var blink = function(s) {
return '<blink>' s '</blink>';
//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64;...
In this example, the io.write
function was provided with the pretty
unparser, an generator expression that will produce the two ASTs from
the two source files, and then both the target and sourcemap argument
are identical, which forces the source map generator to generate the
base64 encoding.
Do note that if multiple ASTs were supplied to a minifying printer with
globals being obfuscated, the resulting script will have the earlier
obfuscated global names mangled by later ones, as the unparsing is done
separately by the io.write
To assist with extracting values from an ast into a dict
, the
module provides an ast_to_dict
helper function to aid with that. This function will accept any valid
ast that was parsed as the argument,
>>> from calmjs.parse.unparsers.extractor import ast_to_dict
>>> configuration = es5('''
... var config = module.exports = {};
... var name = "Morgan"
... msg = "Hello, " name "! " "Welcome to the host.";
... config.server = {
... host: '',
... port: process.env.PORT || 8000,
... threads: 4 4,
... columns: ['id', 'name', 'description'],
... memory: 1 << 15,
... msg: msg
... };
... // default proxy stub
... config.proxy = {
... host: 'localhost',
... port: 8080,
... options: {
... "https": !1,
... "threshold": -100
... }
... };
... ''')
>>> baseconf = ast_to_dict(configuration)
Accessing the values is simply done as a mapping:
>>> print(baseconf['name'])
Assignments are bound to the entire expression, i.e. not interpreted down to individual existing assignments.
>>> baseconf['config']
>>> baseconf['config.server']['columns']
['id', 'name', 'description']
>>> baseconf['config.server']['msg']
>>> baseconf['config.proxy']['options']['threshold']
Note that the -100
value involves folding the unary expression with
the -
operator, and by default all other expressions of this type
are simply written back out as is.
>>> baseconf['config.proxy']['options']['https']
>>> baseconf['msg']
'"Hello, " name "! " "Welcome to the host."'
>>> baseconf['config.server']['threads']
'4 4'
To assist with a more generalized usage, the ast_to_dict
provides an
additional fold_ops
argument. When set to True
, operator
folding will be enabled on supported types; for example, constants will
be attempted to be folded into a single value as per how operators are
handled in the ECMAScript specification. This is often useful for
ensuring concatenated strings are merged, and normalizing short-hand
definition of boolean values via !0
or !1
, among other commonly
seen expressions.
>>> foldedconf = ast_to_dict(configuration, fold_ops=True)
>>> foldedconf['config.server']['threads']
>>> foldedconf['config.server']['memory']
>>> foldedconf['config.server']['port']
>>> foldedconf['config.proxy']['options']['https']
>>> # variables will remain as is
>>> foldedconf['config.server']['msg']
>>> # however, in the context of a concatenated string, it will form
>>> # a format string instead.
>>> foldedconf['msg']
'Hello, {name}! Welcome to the host.'
As noted, any valid AST may serve as the input argument, with any dangling expressions (i.e. those that are not assigned or bound to a name) simply be appened to a list keyed under of its outermost asttype.
>>> from calmjs.parse.asttypes import (
... Identifier, FuncExpr, UnaryExpr)
>>> dict_of_ast = ast_to_dict(es5(u"""
... var i;
... i;
... !'ok';
... function foo(bar) {
... baz = true;
... }
... (function(y) {
... x = 1;
... });
... """), fold_ops=True)
>>> dict_of_ast['i']
>>> dict_of_ast[Identifier]
>>> dict_of_ast[UnaryExpr] # not simply string or boolean
>>> dict_of_ast['foo'] # named function resolved
[['bar'], {'baz': True}]
>>> dict_of_ast[FuncExpr]
[[['y'], {'x': 1}]]
Naturally, the printers demonstrated previously are constructed using the underlying Unparser class, which in turn bridges together the walk function and the Dispatcher class found in the walker module. The walk function walks through the AST node with an instance of the Dispatcher class, which provides a description of all node types for the particular type of AST node provided, along with the relevant handlers. These handlers can be set up using existing rule provider functions. For instance, a printer for obfuscating identifier names while maintaining indentation for the output of an ES5 AST can be constructed like so:
>>> from calmjs.parse.unparsers.es5 import Unparser
>>> from calmjs.parse.rules import indent
>>> from calmjs.parse.rules import obfuscate
>>> pretty_obfuscate = Unparser(rules=(
... # note that indent must come after, so that the whitespace
... # handling rules by indent will shadow over the minimum set
... # provided by obfuscate.
... obfuscate(obfuscate_globals=False),
... indent(indent_str=' '),
... ))
>>> math_module = es5('''
... (function(root) {
... var fibonacci = function(count) {
... if (count < 2)
... return count;
... else
... return fibonacci(count - 1) fibonacci(count - 2);
... };
... var factorial = function(n) {
... if (n < 1)
... throw new Error('factorial where n < 1 not supported');
... else if (n == 1)
... return 1;
... else
... return n * factorial(n - 1);
... }
... root.fibonacci = fibonacci;
... root.factorial = factorial;
... })(window);
... var value = window.factorial(5) / window.fibonacci(5);
... console.log('the value is ' value);
... ''')
>>> print(''.join(c.text for c in pretty_obfuscate(math_module)))
(function(b) {
var a = function(b) {
if (b < 2) return b;
else return a(b - 1) a(b - 2);
var c = function(a) {
if (a < 1) throw new Error('factorial where n < 1 not supported');
else if (a == 1) return 1;
else return a * c(a - 1);
b.fibonacci = a;
b.factorial = c;
var value = window.factorial(5) / window.fibonacci(5);
console.log('the value is ' value);
Each of the rules (functions) have specific options that are set using specific keyword arguments, details are documented in their respective docstrings.
At an even lower level, the ruletypes
submodule contains the
primitives that form the underlying definitions that each Dispatcher
implementations currently available. For an example on how this might
be extended beyond simply unparsing back to text, see the source for
the extractor unparser module.
AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) generic walker classes are defined under the
appropriate named modules calmjs.parse.walkers
. Two default walker
classes are supplied. One of them is the ReprWalker
class which was
previously demonstrated. The other is the Walker
class, which
supplies a collection of generic tree walking methods for a tree of AST
nodes. The following is an example usage on how one might extract all
Object assignments from a given script file:
>>> from calmjs.parse import es5
>>> from calmjs.parse.asttypes import Object, VarDecl, FunctionCall
>>> from calmjs.parse.walkers import Walker
>>> walker = Walker()
>>> declarations = es5('''
... var i = 1;
... var s = {
... a: "test",
... o: {
... v: "value"
... }
... };
... foo({foo: "bar"});
... function bar() {
... var t = {
... foo: "bar",
... };
... return t;
... }
... foo.bar = bar;
... foo.bar();
... ''')
>>> # print out the object nodes that were part of some assignments
>>> for node in walker.filter(declarations, lambda node: (
... isinstance(node, VarDecl) and
... isinstance(node.initializer, Object))):
... print(node.initializer)
a: "test",
o: {
v: "value"
foo: "bar"
>>> # print out all function calls
>>> for node in walker.filter(declarations, lambda node: (
... isinstance(node, FunctionCall))):
... print(node.identifier)
Further details and example usage can be consulted from the various docstrings found within the module.
Due to the implementation of the lexer/parser along with how the ast node types have been implemented, there are restrictions on where the comments may be exposed if enabled. Currently, such limitations exists for nodes that are created by production rules that consume multiple lexer tokens at once - only comments preceding the first token will be captured, with all remaining comments discarded.
For example, this limitation means that any comments before the else
token will be omitted (as the comment will be provided by the if
token), as the production rule for an If
node consumes both these
tokens and the node as implemented only provides a single slot for
comments. Likewise, any comments before the :
token in a ternary
statement will also be discarded as that is the second token consumed
by the production rule that produces a Conditional
For platforms or systems that do not have utf8 configured as the default encoding, the automatic table generation may fail when constructing a parser instance. An example:
>>> from calmjs.parse.parsers import es5
>>> parser = es5.Parser()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\python35\....\ply\lex.py", line 1043, in lex
lexobj.writetab(lextab, outputdir)
File "c:\python35\....\ply\lex.py", line 195, in writetab
tf.write('_lexstatere = %s\n' % repr(tabre))
File "c:\python35\lib\encodings\cp1252.py", line 19, in encode
return codecs.charmap_encode(input,self.errors,encoding_table)[0]
UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode character '\u02c1' ...
A workaround helper script is provided, it may be executed like so:
$ python -m calmjs.parse.parsers.optimize
Further details on this topic may be found in the manual optimization section of this document.
This indicates that the installation method or source for this package being imported isn't optimized. A quick workaround is to follow the instructions at the manual optimization section of this document to ensure these messages are no longer generated (and if this warning happens every time the module is imported, it means the symbol tables are regenerated every time that happens and this extra computational overhead should be corrected through the generation of that optimization module).
The optimization modules are included with the wheel release and the source release on PyPI, but it is not part of the source repository as generated code are never committed. Should a binary release made by a third-party results in this warning upon import, their release should be corrected to include the optimization module.
Moreover, there are safeguards in place that prevent this warning from
being generated for releases made for releases from 1.3.1 onwards by
a more heavy handed enforcement of this optimization step at build time,
but persistent (or careless) actors may circumvent this during the build
process, but official releases made through PyPI should include the
required optimization for all supported ply
versions (which are
versions 3.6 to 3.11, inclusive).
Alternatively, this issue may also occur via usage of pyinstaller
if the package metadata is not copied for ply
in versions prior to
and will always occur if the hidden imports are
not declared for those optimization modules. The following hook should
may be used to ensure calmjs.parse
functions correctly in the compiled
from PyInstaller.utils.hooks import collect_data_files, copy_metadata
from calmjs.parse.utils import generate_tab_names
datas = []
hiddenimports = []
# if running under Python 3 with ply-3.11, above is equivalent to
# hiddenimports = [
# "calmjs.parse.parsers.lextab_es5_py3_ply3_11",
# "calmjs.parse.parsers.yacctab_es5_py3_ply3_11",
# ]
As this program is basically fully decomposed into very small functions, this result in massive performance penalties as compared to other implementations due to function calls being one of the most expensive operations in Python. It may be possible to further optimize the definitions within the description in the Dispatcher by combining all the resolved generator functions for each asttype Node type, however this will may require both the token and layout functions not having arguments with name collisions, and the new function will take in all of those arguments in one go.
As noted in the error message, the ply
and setuptools
must be installed before attempting to install build the package in the
situation where the pre-generated modules are missing. This situation
may be caused by building directly using the source provided by the
source code repository, or where there is no matching pre-generated
module matching with the installed version of ply
. Please ensure that
is installed and available first before installing from source if
this error message is sighted.
- Issue Tracker: https://github.com/calmjs/calmjs.parse/issues
- Source Code: https://github.com/calmjs/calmjs.parse
The calmjs.parse
package is copyright (c) 2017 Auckland Bioengineering
Institute, University of Auckland. The calmjs.parse
package is
licensed under the MIT license (specifically, the Expat License), which
is also the same license that the package slimit
was released under.
The lexer, parser and the other types definitions portions were
originally imported from the slimit
package; slimit
is copyright (c)
Ruslan Spivak.
The Calmjs project is copyright (c) 2017 Auckland Bioengineering Institute, University of Auckland.