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Unicode 学习笔记

Unicode encoding model

The four levels of the Unicode Character Encoding Model can be summarized as:

  • ACR: Abstract Character Repertoire
    the set of characters to be encoded, for example, some alphabet or symbol set
  • CCS: Coded Character Set
    a mapping from an abstract character repertoire to a set of nonnegative integers
  • CEF: Character Encoding Form
    a mapping from a set of nonnegative integers that are elements of a CCS to a set of sequences of particular code units of some specified width, such as 32-bit integers
  • CES: Character Encoding Scheme
    a reversible transformation from a set of sequences of code units (from one or more CEFs to a serialized sequence of bytes)

In addition to the four individual levels, there are two other useful concepts:

  • CM: Character Map
    a mapping from sequences of members of an abstract character repertoire to serialized sequences of bytes bridging all four levels in a single operation
  • TES: Transfer Encoding Syntax
    a reversible transform of encoded data, which may or may not contain textual data

Unicode Character Encoding Model --

  • 四个层次
    1. 抽象字符层(ACR)。比如我们平时使用的文字就是抽象字符。
    2. 码化字符集(CCS)。所有抽象字符映射为一系列非负数(Code point)。
    3. 字符编码方式(CEF)。将上一层的整数转为代码单元(code unit)的集合。
    4. 字符编码模式(CES)。由一系列代码单元(code unit)组成的模式。例如 UTF-8、UTF-16 等等


  1. Code point(0x0 - 0x10FFFF)

    • 表示法 U 1FFFF. (U 一个十六进制数)
    • 一个代码点,是一个数字,代表一个字符。
    • 同一个代码点在不同的编码格式中占用的空间大小有可能不同。比如,UTF-32 中所有代码点都是 4 个字节, UTF-8 中 代码点是可变长的 1-4 字节
  2. code unit

    Code unit: The minimal bit combination that can represent a unit of encoded text for processing or interchange.

    • 在一个 CES 中,能表示一个字符的最小位组合数。UTF-8 为 8 bits,UTF-16 为 16 bits,UTF-32 为 32 bits。
  3. UTF-32(UCS-4)

    • 固定 4 个字节(32 bits)长度, 不管是 BMP,还是 SMP,不足 4 字节使用前导 0 代替。
  4. UCS-2

    • 固定 2 字节(16 bits)。只能表示 BMP
  5. UTF-16

    • 前身为 UCS-2, 但其不能表示 SMP,为弥补该缺陷产生了 UTF-16
    • 2 或 4 字节(16 or 32 bits)。
    • 构成:
      1. U 0000..U D7FF && U E000..U FFFF // 用来表示部分 BMP 字符
      2. U D800..U DFFF // surrogate pairs 用来表示 SMP
        • 2 个 2 字节
        • high surrogate, 第一个 2 字节,范围为 0xD800..0xDBFF.
        • low surrogate,第二个 2 字节,范围为 U DC00..U DFFF
        • 计算方式(栗子: 0x10437):
          1. 减去 0x10000。 result = 0x00437, 二进制表示:0000 0000 0100 0011 0111。
          2. 将结果分为高 10 bits 0x0001 和低 10 bits 0x0037
          3. high surrogate = 0x0001 0xD800 = 0xD801
          4. low surrogate = 0x0037 0xDC00 = 0xDC37
          5. 所以 0x10437 的 UTF 16 表示 为 0xD801DC37
    • 存储方式
      • 因为是多字节存储的所以会有两种方式
      • UTF-16BE // 大端法(默认)
      • UTF-16LE // 小端法
  6. UTF-8

    • 模式
    • 例子
  7. Byte order mark(BOM)

The byte order mark (BOM) is a Unicode character, U FEFF BYTE ORDER MARK (BOM), whose appearance as a magic number at the start of a text stream can signal several things to a program consuming the text:

  • What byte order, or endianness, the text stream is stored in;
  • The fact that the text stream is Unicode, to a high level of confidence;
  • Which of several Unicode encodings that text stream is encoded as.
  • -- from Byte order mark(BOM)
  • 尽量不用


  1. Unicode Character Encoding Model --
  2. Code point
  3. 代码点(Code Point)和代码单元(Code Unit)
  4. Plane
  5. Basic Multilingual Plane
  6. Supplementary Multilingual Plane
  7. UTF-32
  8. UTF-16
  9. What is a “surrogate pair” in Java? -- stackoverflow
  10. Surrogates
  11. UTF-8
  12. Byte order mark(BOM)