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GitHub Action to publish releases using tags, following sematic versioning


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GitHub Action to automatically create releases with tags, following semantic versioning conventions.


Use this Action as a step in your workflow file. For example:

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      RESULT: ${{ steps.release.outputs.result }}
      VERSION: ${{ steps.release.outputs.releaseVersion }}
      RELEASE_NOTES: ${{ steps.release.outputs.releaseNotes }}
      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: Install Node
        uses: actions/setup-node@v4
          node-version: 'lts/*'
      - name: Release
        id: release
        uses: btnguyen2k/action-semrelease@v3
          github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    needs: [release]
      - name: Print release result
        run: |
          RESULT='${{ needs.release.outputs.RESULT }}'
          VERSION='${{ needs.release.outputs.VERSION }}'
          RELEASE_NOTES='${{ needs.release.outputs.RELEASE_NOTES }}'
          echo "- RESULT: ${RESULT}"
          echo "- VERSION: ${VERSION}"
          echo "- RELEASE_NOTES: ${RELEASE_NOTES}"

How it works

This Action analyzes commit messages to determine if a new release is needed, and if so, automatically calculates the next version number and creates a new release tag with release notes compiled from commit messages. The following screenshot illustrates the result:

Releases and Tags

The version number follows semantic versioning conventions. The tag name can have an optional prefix, for example v (e.g. v1.2.3).

Versioning rules

A new major version is released when a breaking change is detected in commit messages. A new minor version is released when new or deprecated features are detected. A new patch version is released when only bug fixes or improvements/optimizations are detected.

The following regular expressions are used to detect breaking changes, new features, and bug fixes:

A breaking change is detected if any of the following rules match:

/^[^a-z]*(break(ing)?\s )?change([ds])?(\([^)] \)\s*)?:?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*\[(break(ing)?\s )?change([ds])?]:?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*\((break(ing)?\s )?change([ds])?\):?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*break(ing)?(\([^)] \)\s*)?:?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*\[break(ing)?]:?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*\(break(ing)?\):?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*rem(ov(e|ing|es|ed))?(\([^)] \)\s*)?:?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*\[rem(ov(e|ing|es|ed))?]:?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*\(rem(ov(e|ing|es|ed))?\):?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*. (is|are|been)( now)? removed.*/i
/^[^a-z]*. no longer (available|support(s|ed)?).*/i
/^[^a-z]*ren(am(e|ing|es|ed))?(\([^)] \)\s*)?:?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*\[ren(am(e|ing|es|ed))?]:?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*\(ren(am(e|ing|es|ed))?\):?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*repl(ac(e|ing|es|ed))?(\([^)] \)\s*)?:?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*\[repl(ac(e|ing|es|ed))?]:?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*\(repl(ac(e|ing|es|ed))?\):?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*redesign(ing|ed|s)?(\([^)] \)\s*)?:?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*\[redesign(ing|ed|s)?]:?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*\(redesign(ing|ed|s)?\):?\s /i

A new/deprecated feature is detected if any of the following rules match:

/^[^a-z]*depr(ecat(e|ing|ed|es))?(\([^)] \)\s*)?:?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*\[depr(ecat(e|ing|ed|es))?]:?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*\(depr(ecat(e|ing|ed|es))?\):?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*. (is|are|been)( now)? deprecated.*/i
/^[^a-z]*refactor(ing|ed|s)?(\([^)] \)\s*)?:?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*\[refactor(ing|ed|s)?]:?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*\(refactor(ing|ed|s)?\):?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*. (is|are|been)( now)? refactor(ed|ing).*/i
/^[^a-z]*add(ing|ed|s)?(\([^)] \)\s*)?:?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*\[add(ing|ed|s)?]:?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*\(add(ing|ed|s)?\):?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*(new\s )?feat(ure(s)?)?(\([^)] \)\s*)?:?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*\[(new\s )?feat(ure(s)?)?]:?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*\((new\s )?feat(ure(s)?)?\):?\s /i

A bug fix/improvement/optimization is detected if any of the following rules match:

/^[^a-z]*fix(ing|ed|es)?(\([^)] \)\s*)?:?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*\[fix(ing|ed|es)?]:?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*\(fix(ing|ed|es)?\):?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*. (is|are|been)( now)? fix(ed|ing).*/i
/^[^a-z]*patch(ing|ed|es)?(\([^)] \)\s*)?:?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*\[patch(ing|ed|es)?]:?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*\(patch(ing|ed|es)?\):?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*. (is|are|been)( now)? patch(ed|ing).*/i
/^[^a-z]*impr(ov(ing|es|ed|ement)?)?(\([^)] \)\s*)?:?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*\[impr(ov(ing|es|ed|ement)?)?]:?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*\(impr(ov(ing|es|ed|ement)?)?\):?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*. (is|are|been)( now)? improv(ed|ing).*/i
/^[^a-z]*optimiz(e|ing|ation|es|ed)(\([^)] \)\s*)?:?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*\[optimiz(e|ing|ation|es|ed)]:?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*\(optimiz(e|ing|ation|es|ed)\):?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*. (is|are|been)( now)? optimiz(ed|ing).*/i
/^[^a-z]*perf(ormance)?(\([^)] \)\s*)?:?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*\[perf(ormance)?]:?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*\(perf(ormance)?\):?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*sec(urity)?(\([^)] \)\s*)?:?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*\[sec(urity)?]:?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*\(sec(urity)?\):?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*dep(endenc(y|ies))?(\([^)] \)\s*)?:?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*\[dep(endenc(y|ies))?]:?\s /i
/^[^a-z]*\(dep(endenc(y|ies))?\):?\s /i

The following table illustrates how commit messages are mapped to release versions:

Sample commit message Release version
[BREAKING CHANGE] Hash function parameter is no longer optional New major release
Renamed hash function from MD5 to md5Hash New major release
Replaces function GetRelease() with GetLatestRelease() New major release
API GetBranches() is removed and no longer available New major release
Method MD5 is now deprecated and will be removed in future versions New minor release
The class Hashing is refactored to use SHA256 New minor release
Added new hash function HashUtils::hashSha1() New minor release
[New feature] scan commit messages to build new release New minor release
Fixed typo in function HashUtils::hashMd5() New patch release
Patched: function HashUtils::Crc32() now returns correct value New patch release
perf(API) function HashUtils::hashChain() is now 100% faster New patch release
Dependency(Dev) - bump krypto to v1.2.3 New patch release
[SECURITY]: fix potential SQLi security vulnerability in class DbUtils New patch release
Docker image size has been optimized, reduced by half New patch release

Inputs and Outputs

Inputs are supplied via the with block. For example:

uses: btnguyen2k/action-semrelease@v3
  github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
  dry-run: true

The following inputs are accepted:

Input Required Default Description
github-token Yes Either a PAT or GITHUB_TOKEN to access the repository.
dry-run No false If true, the Action will run in dry-run mode.
tag-prefix No 'v' Prefix for release tags.
tag-major-release No true If true, a major release tag will be created, e.g. v1
tag-minor-release No false If true, a minor release tag will be created, e.g. v1.2
branches No 'main,master' Comma-separated list of branches to scan for commit messages.
path No '' Scan and Analyze only commits containing this file path.

⚠️ Deprecation notice: beginning with version v3.4.0, the auto-mode and changelog-file inputs are deprecated and will be removed in future releases.

This Action outputs the following:

Output Description
result The result of the Action's run. Possible values are FAILED, SKIPPED, SUCCESS.
releaseVersion The releasing version string, e.g. 1.2.3 (tag-prefix is not included!)
releaseNotes The release notes.

Customizing Version Numbers and Commit Messages

There may be scenarios where you want to customize the version number for a release. For instance, if the current version is 3.4.5 but you prefer the new release to be 6.0.0 instead of 3.4.6 or 3.5.0 or 4.0.0. Additionally, since commit messages are used to compile the release notes, you might want to customize which commit messages are analyzed and included.

These customizations can be achieved by using the .semrelease/this_release file located in the repository's root directory. This file is a simple text file containing the following information:

# Lines starting with '#' are comments and will be ignored.

Lines not starting with '#' are commit messages and will be used to analyze and compile the release notes.

- Each line should contain a single commit message only.

= Leading spaces and markers such as `-`, '=', ` `, etc. will be trimmed before analyzing the commit message.

If the .semrelease/this_release file does not exist or contains no commit messages, the Action will fallback to analyzing commit messages from the repository's commits.

Pre-release preparation and Post-release cleanup

This action leaves the content of the .semrelease/this_release file unchanged after the release is created. The repository owner must manually clean up the file content. The following code snippet illustrates how to clean up the .semrelease/this_release file after a release is created:

  BRANCH_TO_RELEASE: 'release'

    # ...

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    if: |
      needs.dryrun.outputs.RESULT == 'SUCCESS'
    needs: [ dryrun ]
      # forward outputs to next jobs
      RESULT: ${{ steps.semrelease.outputs.result }}
      VERSION: ${{ steps.semrelease.outputs.releaseVersion }}
      RELEASE_NOTES: ${{ steps.semrelease.outputs.releaseNotes }}
      contents: write # to be able to publish a GitHub release and commit back to repo
      - name: Checkout Code
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
      # ...
      # other preparation steps...
      # ...
      - name: SemRelease
        id: semrelease
        uses: btnguyen2k/action-semrelease@v4
          github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          branches: ${{ env.BRANCH_TO_RELEASE }}
          tag-prefix: ${{ env.TAG_PREFIX }}
      - name: Cleanup file .semrelease/this_release
        run: |
          RESULT='${{ steps.semrelease.outputs.result }}'
          if [ "${RESULT}" == "SUCCESS" ]; then
            VERSION='${{ steps.semrelease.outputs.releaseVersion }}'
            echo "πŸ•˜ Cleaning up file .semrelease/this_release..."
            echo "# This file has been cleaned up post-releasing version ${VERSION}." > .semrelease/this_release
            echo "# Generate its content quickly using the following command:" >> .semrelease/this_release
            echo "#   git log origin..HEAD | grep \"^\s\" > .semrelease/this_release" >> .semrelease/this_release
            git config --global "<>"
            git config --global "CI Build"
            git commit -am "Cleanup file .semrelease/this_release post releasing version ${VERSION}"
            git push -f
            echo "βœ… Done."
            echo "❎ SKIPPED."

Similarly, the repository owner may wish to update the content of the changelog file (e.g., before a release is created so that the changelog can be included in the release. The following code snippet illustrates how to prepare the file for a release:

  BRANCH_TO_RELEASE: 'release'

    # ...

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    if: |
      needs.dryrun.outputs.RESULT == 'SUCCESS'
    needs: [ dryrun ]
      # forward outputs to next jobs
      RESULT: ${{ steps.semrelease.outputs.result }}
      VERSION: ${{ steps.semrelease.outputs.releaseVersion }}
      RELEASE_NOTES: ${{ steps.semrelease.outputs.releaseNotes }}
      contents: write # to be able to publish a GitHub release and commit back to repo
      - name: Checkout Code
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
      # ...
      # other preparation steps...
      # ...
      - name: Update metadata
        run: |
          echo "πŸ•˜ Updating metadata..."
          DATE=`date  %Y-%m-%d`
          VERSION='${{ needs.dryrun.outputs.VERSION }}'
          RELEASE_NOTES='${{ needs.dryrun.outputs.RELEASE_NOTES }}'

          echo "πŸ•˜ Updating file ${{ env.FILE_CHANGELOG }}..."

          # save the first line of the change log file, which is usually the header
          head -1 ${{ env.FILE_CHANGELOG }} >

          # append new version number, release date and release notes
          echo -e "\n## ${DATE} - ${{ env.TAG_PREFIX }}${VERSION}\n\n${RELEASE_NOTES}" >>

          # append the existing content of the change log file
          # this way, the new version will be at the top of the change log
          tail -n  2 ${{ env.FILE_CHANGELOG }} >>

          # replace the change log file with the new content
          mv -f ${{ env.FILE_CHANGELOG }}

          echo "---------- content of ${{ env.FILE_CHANGELOG }} ----------"
          cat ${{ env.FILE_CHANGELOG }}

          # OPTIONAL: replace the placeholder v4.0.0-rc2 in document/source files
          echo "πŸ•˜ Updating VERSION string in other files..."
          sed -i -E "s/v4.0.0-rc2/${{ env.TAG_PREFIX }}${VERSION}/" ./*.md
          sed -i -E "s/v4.0.0-rc2/${{ env.TAG_PREFIX }}${VERSION}/" ./src/*.js
          sed -i -E "s/v4.0.0-rc2/${{ env.TAG_PREFIX }}${VERSION}/" ./test/*.js

          echo "πŸ•˜ Committing metadata updates..."
          git config --global "<>"
          git config --global "CI Build"
          git commit -am "Update metadata for new version ${VERSION}"
          git push -f

          echo "βœ… Done."
      - name: SemRelease
        id: semrelease
        # ...


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the file for details.

Support and Contribution

Feel free to create pull requests or issues to report bugs or suggest new features. Please search the existing issues before filing new ones to avoid duplicates. For new issues, file your bug or feature request as a new issue.

If you find this project useful, please start it.


GitHub Action to publish releases using tags, following sematic versioning







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