Java Processor to generate Typescript Definition file (.d.ts
) from whatever Java classes.
title: Java to TypeScript Conversion Process
flowchart LR
subgraph "Java Compiler"
B(Java2TypeScript Processor)
subgraph "Java Project"
direction LR
A[]:::javaSrc ---|Lookup annotations| B
C[Dependencies Classpath]:::javaSrc ---|Lookup classes| B
subgraph "Typescript"
B o-->|Generate| D
B o-->|Generate| E
This is to help developing on JVM javascript engine, either GraalJs or Rhino using Typescript
The main goal is having the definitions available in the modern IDE like Visual Studio Code and Atom and then use the intellisense feature available for java classes within typescript
It is not a transpiler from Java to Javascript like datathings/java2typescript
typescript-generator is a tool for generating TypeScript definition files (.d.ts) from Java JSON classes. If you have REST service written in Java using object to JSON mapping you can use typescript-generator to generate TypeScript interfaces from Java classes.
1c is aimed to compile TypeScript to runnable code on both JVM and web browser. You can implement the full stack with TypeScript while using libraries from Maven and NPM together.
- Rhino is compliant with CommonJS module loader for the JVM
Graaljs is compliant with ES6 module loader for the JVM
To give an idea about how to work there is a demo available online here.
The backend of such demo has been developed using typescript on jvm provided by this project itself (dogfooding). java2typescript-demo project
Basic idea is to develop a Project by mixing Java & Javascript code (or completely in Javascript) relying on the Nashorn Javascript engine or Rhino javascript engine. This powerful engines enable Javascript language in JVM and they allow to access to every java class present in classpath in a pretty straightforward way. That's cool, the Javascript is very easy to learn, but the question are :
- Is it possible develop a complete and well structured Javascript application ?
- Developing in Javascript on JVM is as productive as programming in Java ?
Just to answer the questions above that this project has been developed.
- Is it possible develop a complete and well structured Javascript application ?
Yes it is, but with help of a powerful Typescript that fills language's gaps and produce Javascript as output
- Developing in Javascript on JVM is as productive as programming in Java ?
Yes it could be, but we need :
- An IDE with intellisense capability that is able to inspect java/javascript classes during development.
This is the main goal of project, that is to generate Typescript Declarations enabling every Typescript-Aware IDE (eg. Atom, VSCode) to give you the intellisense feature make more comfortable use access to Java features/classes from Javascript
- A module module system that allow to arrange application in separate well-defined modules
This is achieved by project jvm-npm that enable use of commonJS enabling Typescript Modules.
Let assume that you have successfully setup a java project
Create a file
and annotate the given package with @Java2TS
that will contain all the @Type
of which you want the Typescript declaration.
** Type Attributes **
Name | Mandatory | Type | Description |
value | Yes | Class | Full Qualified Name of Java class |
alias | No | String | Assign a new name to exported class in typescript |
export | No | boolean | If true, other than typescript declaration adds definition in file *-types.ts . It is need for instantiable classes, in order to use new operator or factory method(s) |
functional | No | boolean | If true other than typescript declaration adds a particular definition. Valid only for interfaces that have one abstract method and haven't @FunctionalInterface annotation |
@Java2TS(declare = {
@Type(java.nio.file.Files.class, export="true"),
@Type(java.nio.file.Paths.class, export="true"),
@Type(value=java.util.List.class, alias="List" ),
@Type(value=java.util.Arrays.class, export=true),
@Type(, export=true),
@Type(java.lang.Runnable.class, functional=true)
package org.mypackage;
Graajs compatibility see samples
<ts.outfile>name</ts.outfile><!-- name of generated file -->
Enforce Rhino compatibility see samples
<ts.outfile>name</ts.outfile><!-- name of generated file -->
The easier way to start your Typescript on JVM project is using the provided maven archetype
Interactive Mode
mvn archetype:generate \ -DarchetypeGroupId=org.bsc.processor \ -DarchetypeArtifactId=java2ts-processor-archetype \ -DarchetypeVersion=1.1.0