MetaCubeX / meta-rules-dat
Forked from CHIZI-0618/v2ray-rules-datrules-dat for mihomo
Install Pi-KVM on debian SBCs such as Orange Pi, Banana Pi, Mango Pi, etc
💡 Use Docker Compose to deploy Xiaoya services in a more elegant way, supports one-click deployment of Alist Emby Jellyfin, full-platform support, Linux/Windows/Mac/Synology, X86/Arm architecture
Transparent Proxy with Mihomo on OpenWrt.
hzyitc / armbian-onecloud
Forked from armbian/buildArmbian for onecloud. 玩客云用armbian
OAF is a parental control plug-in based on OpenWrt, which supports app filtering for games, videos, chats, downloads, such as Tiktok, Youtube, Telegram,etc.
A Docker container to build OpenWrt images
WireGuard client for routers with Padavan based firmware
A free, source-available and fair-code licensed mac app cleaner
gudqs7 / wxappUnpacker
Forked from qwerty472123/wxappUnpackerrm
Docker image to run an IPsec VPN server, with IPsec/L2TP, Cisco IPsec and IKEv2
luci-app-eqosplus 定时限速1.2.3版 20230823 定时限速1.2.3:增加更多日期:工作日和休息日,自定义日期1,2,3中间用逗号分隔;加入MAC地址限速,从此不用担心IPV6和IPV4的限速问题。
Information about connected disk devices (partitions, filesystems, SMART) for LuCI (OpenWrt webUI)
A service that can convert ChatGPT on the web to OpenAI API format.