- Dual Boot Ubuntu Macbook Tutorial
create MS-DOS (FAT) partition on macbook with 62GB space
download ubuntu desktop LTS
download unetbootin
format usb drive to FAT32 (exFAT works fine)
use unetbootin to create bootable usb drive
restart macbook and press option key
select EFI boot
install ubuntu
- installation type - something else
- select the 62GB partition
- press minus button to delete the partition
- press plus button to create new partition out of free space with 1000MB | Primary | Beginning | EFI System Partition (kernel)
- press plus button to create new partition out of free space with 61GB | Primary | Beginning | Ext4 journaling file system | / (rootfs)
- select EFI System Partition (kernel) and choose device for boot loader installation as the partition created in step 4 (same partition as kernel per se)
- click install now
- continue
restart macbook
press option key
Note: to reimage, erase the partition keeping the same format (MS DOS FAT) from Mac boot and restart at step 6 above
To remove the dual boot partition, erase the partition and reformat it as Mac OS Extended Journaled
Here is a sample script that can be run to do that
diskutil list # identify ubuntu efi partition
diskutil eraseVolume JHFS empty /dev/disk0s3
- https://unetbootin.github.io/
- ubuntu.com (desktop LTS)
- dual boot ubuntu on macbook; auto-cpufreq
- auto-cpufreq
sudo apt update && sudo apt install curl git
sudo snap install auto-cpufreq
sudo auto-cpufreq --install
sudo auto-cpufreq --stats
nautilus /home/bro/codes/
- open terminal
ctrl alt t
- copy ssh key
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | xclip -selection clipboard