New Leaders
- Lake Tahoe, CA USA
- https://newleaders.com
- @robertbousquet
Convert the MVA charts from faa.gov into KML files and content packs for Foreflight
Making shoulda-matchers available for minitest-rails
Automates archival of Heroku PGBackups to S3
Making shoulda-matchers available for minitest-rails
Rails I18n de-facto standard library for ActiveRecord model/data translation.
Capistrano and Rake tasks for cloning production database and assets to development.
Monitors the delayed_job plugin's queue and periodically tests its ability to deliver e-mail messages and e-mails you if something goes wrong, such as the delayed_job process crashes or one of its …
The ActiveRecord acts_as_commentable plugin
Active Merchant is a simple payment abstraction library used in and sponsored by Shopify. It is written by Tobias Luetke, Cody Fauser, and contributors. The aim of the project is to feel natural to…
thincloud / paperclip
Forked from thoughtbot/paperclipEasy file attachment management for ActiveRecord
thincloud / attachment_fu
Forked from technoweenie/attachment_fuTreat an ActiveRecord model as a file attachment, storing its patch, size, content type, etc.
A Ruby gem to assist with collecting and formatting international addresses
Keep a DRY history of your ActiveRecord models' changes
💀 The former home of Homebrew/homebrew (deprecated)
ActiveRecord plugin allowing you to hide and restore records without actually deleting them.
ActiveRecord plugin for versioning your models.
thincloud / acts_as_list
Forked from rails/acts_as_listActsAsList plugin
Enable ActionMailer to securely connect to Gmail or Google Hosted Applications
pure Ruby; bring OFX specification to happy coders; encapsulate complexities of parsing any version of spec; provide unified model for productive financial programming; make it possible to generate…
fork of ar_mailer gem by Eric Hodel that allows deferred batch sending of emails for Rails apps
master respository for deprec - deployment recipes for capistrano
Active Merchant is a simple payment abstraction library extracted from Shopify. The aim of the project is to feel natural to Ruby users and to abstract as many parts as possible away from the user …
The Rails Engines plugin, providing engines features to Rails up to 2.3. I recommend you upgrade to Rails 3.1 when it's available, and use the native engine features it provides!
Pagination library for Rails and other Ruby applications