Weather Wiz is a weather indicator for Linux, displaying local weather info. The indicator resides in the indicator panel (top right in Unity panel and bottom right in KDE panel). It is in its initial development stage right now and not all of its potential features have been fully implemented yet. If you still want to check it out, read the build instructions below.
- libcurl3
- libcurl4-openssl-dev
- libgtk2.0-dev
- libjansson4
- libjansson-dev
- libappindicator1
- libappindicator-dev
Some of these packages already come pre-installed in some Linux distros, others can be installed from the distribution repositories.
Make sure you have the prerequisites mentioned above.
Once you"ve downloaded the zip, open a terminal and cd
to the directory
the zip file is located in and enter the following:
unzip weather-wiz-master
cd weather-wiz-master
This will create the necessary binary weather-wiz
in the bin
You can excecute it like any normal executable (through GUI or the terminal).
You can set the indicator to autorun on system startup, through Startup Applications, or by manually writing a startup configuration file for Upstart.