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RGB Light Card

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A Home Assistant card for RGB lights

Light theme Dark theme


If you have HACS, you can install the RGB Light Card from there and jump to the "Configuration" step

Otherwise, follow these simple steps:

  1. In your home assistant, go to the /config/lovelace/resources page, or from your dashboard, click on the pencil icon > 3 dots > Manage resources

  2. Click on "Add resource"

  3. Set the URL to and "JavaScript Module" as the resource type

  4. Click "Create"

Note: The RGB Light Card will upgrade automatically a few days after every new release (once your browser cache expires)

However, you can enforce a specific version by adding @X.X.X at the end of the URL ( https://[...]/[email protected])


The rgb-light-card is meant to be included either:

To start with an example configuration, you can create a new card in your dashboard, then:

  • Choose "Custom: RGB Light Card" in the card picker
  • Or choose the Tile card, click on Add feature in the features section, and select RGB Light Card (Tile feature)

Example configuration within an Entities card:

type: entities
show_header_toggle: false
    # Displays the light entity. It's optional
    - entity: light.example_light

    # Card configuration starts here
    - type: 'custom:rgb-light-card'
      entity: light.example_light
          # Any option of the light.turn_on action can be used in each color
          - rgb_color:
                - 255
                - 127
                - 255
            brightness: 220
            transition: 1
          - hs_color:
                - 60
                - 30
            icon_color: '#fff8b0' # Override icon color

Example configuration as a Tile feature:

# Tile card configuration
type: tile
entity: light.example_light
    # The "feature" configuration starts here
    - type: custom:rgb-light-card-feature
      entity: light.example_light
          # Any option of the light.turn_on action can be used in each color
          - rgb_color:
                - 255
                - 127
                - 255
            brightness: 220
            transition: 1
          - hs_color:
                - 60
                - 30
            icon_color: '#fff8b0' # Override icon color

Pro tip

You can test all the colors options in the Developer Tools > Actions page of your Home Assistant.

Choose the light.turn_on action, edit the options (or the data in YAML mode), and click "Perform Action" to see the result


Name Type Requirement Default Description
type string Required custom:rgb-light-card
entity string Optional Entity to control. Must be a light or a light group. If you don't define it, entity_id must be defined in each color
colors array Required Colors to display. Check out color options below
justify string Optional left How to distribute free space between icons. Possible values are left,right,center,between and around. Check out examples below
size number Optional 32 Diameter of the icons, in pixels
label_size number Optional 12 Size of the labels font, in pixels
hide_when_off boolean Optional false Hide all the icons if the entity state is off or unavailable

Colors options

Name Type Requirement Default Description
rgb_color, hs_color, brightness, transition etc... any Optional When you click on a color, it will perform the action light.turn_on with all the options you put here as action data
Click here for the full list of options
icon_color string Optional Override icon color. Check out examples below
label string Optional Optional color label. Check out examples below
entity_id string Optional Override the entity option for this specific color
type string Optional light Can be set to light (default), or action to change the click action. Read the explanation just below
action string Optional Used with the action type to specify the action to perform when clicked
data array Optional Used with the action type to specify the data to be passed to the action

Performing Actions

By default, clicking an icon performs the light.turn_on action with the options you defined.

If you want more flexibility, you can use type: action to perform a different action, with optional data in a data object.

You can find more information about actions in the Home Assistant documentation

Example configuration:

type: entities
    - type: 'custom:rgb-light-card'
          # First icon calls a script
          - type: action
            action: script.turn_on
                entity_id: script.night_mode
            icon_color: '#90b2ec'
          # Second icon calls a scene
          - type: action
            action: scene.turn_on
                entity_id: scene.romantic
            icon_color: '#f1a5cb'
          # Third icon sends a mobile notification
          - type: action
            action: notify.mobile_app_pixel_8
                title: Hey
                message: I'm your mobile phone
            icon_color: '#77e28a'

Note that you can mix lights and actions in the same card

The icon_color is still optional, but will be grey by default

Customization examples

Icon color

The icon_color option accepts the same values as the CSS background property.

This means your icon_color can be:

  • A HTML color name:   icon_color: gold
  • A hexadecimal code:   icon_color: '#FBB48C'
  • Any other color compatible with background-color:   icon_color: rgba(42, 204, 77, 0.5)
  • A color gradient:   icon_color: 'linear-gradient(15deg, #0250c5, #d43f8d)'
  • Or even an image:   icon_color: center/120% url('')

The 5 examples above will render like this:

Light icon color examples Dark icon color examples

⚠️ You must wrap your value between quotes if it contains the # character

Material design icons

As explained above, the icon_color option accepts any valid CSS value

If you want icons in your colors, you can use the icon tool to convert material design icons into CSS

Light icons examples Dark icons examples


Small labels can be added below color icons, using the label option of each color. Their size can be customized with the label_size option (default to 12 pixels).

Labels can be just a text, but also accept HTML, which means you can be really creative:

  • Simple text: label: Red
  • Bold text: label: <b>Orange</b>
  • Or more complex HTML: label: '<span style="color: #609fc6">Blue</span>'

Light label examples Dark label examples


There are 5 possible values for the justify option: left,right,center,between and around. The default value is left.

Here are how the different values are handled:

Light justify examples Dark justify examples


MIT © Boris K