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Bokeh Examples

Examples in this repository

This directory contains many examples of different ways to use Bokeh. As Bokeh has been evolving fast, it is important that you ensure that the version of an example you're looking at matches the version of Bokeh you are running.

This folder contains examples of more advanced or complex Bokeh applications and use cases, beyond the basic plotting and visualization examples that are included in the examples folder.

Each example in the basic folder provides a clear and concise demonstration of how to create a specific type of visualization using Bokeh. These examples are intended for users who want to learn how to create basic visualizations using the library.

The examples in this directory are mini-tutorials that demonstrate and explain some particular aspect of Bokeh capability (such as linking and brushing), or walk through a particular example in additional detail.

This directory contains examples that use the lowest-level bokeh.models interface. For more information about Bokeh models see the concepts section of the user_guide

This folder contains examples of how to use Bokeh to generate various types of output, including static image files, standalone HTML files, and embedded Bokeh plots in Jupyter notebooks.

This directory contains example using the bokeh.plotting interface. For more information about Bokeh plotting see the concepts section of the user_guide

This folder contains a collection of examples that demonstrate the usage and functionality of various Bokeh objects and properties, including Bokeh models, properties, and tools.

This folder contains a collection of examples that demonstrate how to create interactive web applications using Bokeh server.

This folder contains a collection of examples that demonstrate various ways to style Bokeh plots using CSS styles and themes.

This folder contains a collection of examples that cover a wide range of topics related to creating interactive visualizations with Bokeh.

Other sources for examples