- Austin, Texas
Terraform enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure. It is a source-available tool that codifies APIs into declarative configuration files that can be shared …
Notes and proposals on possible EMAScript extensions
An inter-process and inter-machine lockfile utility that works on a local or network file system.
Type inference and checking for a safer JavaScript.
ZMQ-OMDP : ZeroMQ Obsessive Majordomo Protocol - microservices framework for NodeJS - reliable and extensible service-oriented request-reply
high speed zlib port to javascript, works in browser & node.js
A web service for building node.js modules that runs on Linux, SmartOS and Windows.
Commander option parser ported to C - simple API, auto-generated --help
Converts an entire project that uses requirejs amd into on that uses nodejs common modules so it can be browserified.
action interceptor for dynamic extensible systems
reflect isomorphic HTTP client API wrappers from Director routers
bmeck / node-dns
Forked from tjfontaine/node-dnsReplacement dns module in pure javascript for node.js
reflect socket.io event maps from Resourceful resources
bmeck / http-server
Forked from http-party/http-servera simple zero-configuration command-line http server
bmeck / build-couchdb
Forked from iriscouch/build-couchdbBatteries-included CouchDB build system
Place for the gathering of protocol implementations
bmeck / futoncli
Forked from dscape/futoncliFuton for your command line
Encapsulated routes and resources for managing users in flatiron HTTP apps
bmeck / candor.io
Forked from creationix/candor.iocandor.io is a server framework that uses the candor language combined with libuv to make fast scripted network servers.
(Deprecated!) SDK on top of nodejs to build desktop apps using HTML5/CSS/JS
bmeck / Simple-Comic
Forked from nvd/Simple-ComicOS X comic viewer
candor.io is a server framework that uses the candor language combined with libuv to make fast scripted network servers.