In this repository is where I record a personal Workspace, the files I track within the /home directory. The repository is published offline and online to promote accessibility and learning.
Why do I track files in the /home directory?
- The /home directory is expected to be the place where the User's configuration of Software is recorded. In contrast, the /etc directory is a place where Software is configured System-wide. There could be a '.bashrc' in /etc and /home — the user is able to further configure the 'bash' Software in their /home directory.
- When you bring up a new *nix environment, the System is configured as per the System Distribution (ie. Debian, Ubuntu, Arch). When you create a new User on this System, it may be designed to populate the User's directory in /home with default configurations for a new User. The new User's directory can be populated with files recoreded in a dotfile repository through the use of 'git'. If access is available to an offline or online repository, then 'git' can retrieve the tracked and place it into the User's /home directory. The new User's directory is now populated with a Workspace familiar to the User; Software on the Machine can now acknowledge the User's configuration.
As per the LICENSE file, this repository has been introduced into the Public domain. You are free to review and use the contents for whatever purpose without attribution. I intend to share this repository and enable others to learn from it.