DSUView is a web app in active development, designed to replace the DSU Activities Post as the main source of info for activities around DSU. It is build headless, relying solely on Firebase for hosting, cloud storage, database, authentication, and cloud functions. Future plans include a management system for room scheduling at DSU (to replace 25live), and a content management system for the various screens displayed around DSU. You can visit DSUView by going to https://dsuview.firebaseapp.com/. You can subscribe to the calendar with the following link, https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/dsuview.appspot.com/o/EventsCalendar.ics?alt=media&token=e763a65e-21dd-4cee-a962-e6caec9b6e4b
Also, you can track the development of DSUView on the DSUView Trello.