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The Schedulability Test Collection And Toolkit

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Schedcat: the schedulability test collection and toolkit.


Schedcat is a Python/C library useful for schedulability experiments. It contains several schedulability tests for various real-time schedulers (including partitioned and global EDF, Pfair, etc.), partitioning heuristics, blocking term analysis for real-time locking protocols (including various spinlock types, the OMLP family, the FMLP and FMLP , the MPCP, and the DPCP), and overhead accounting methods.

Additionally, the library contains task set generation routines, task set serialization support, and various helper utilities that make developing schedulability experiments faster and less painful.

This code is a refactored and cleaned-up version of the schedulability experiments provided at

Quick Start

To get started, first clone the repository from Github.

# get the library 
$ git clone https://[email protected]/brandenburg/schedcat.git

Next, compile the C part of schedcat. There is a top-level Makefile that will take care of it. Compilation works out of the box on most Linux distributions (if not, have a look at the dependencies below).

$ cd schedcat
$ make

After compilation, execute the unit test suite with make test or, equivalently, with python -m tests to check if everything works as expected.

$ make test
Ran 172 tests in 2.890s


Schedcat is a Python library with a C core. The best way to explore the library is to play with it in the Python shell and to read the source code.

Schedulability Tests

The key purposes of schedcat is to collect and provide schedulability tests. In the following example, a task set consisting of three tasks is tested for schedulability under global EDF scheduling on two and three cores.

$ python

# load task model
>>> import schedcat.model.tasks as tasks

# load schedulability tests for global EDF
>>> import schedcat.sched.edf as edf

# create task set with  three implicit-deadline tasks and total utilization 2
>>> ts = tasks.TaskSystem([tasks.SporadicTask(2,3),

# Is the task set hard real-time schedulable on two processors?
>>> edf.is_schedulable(2, ts)

# Well, how about three processors?
>>> edf.is_schedulable(3, ts)

# Do we have bounded response times on two processors?
>>> edf.bound_response_times(2, ts)

# So what's the maximum tardiness (using Devi and Anderson's analysis)?
>>> ts[0].tardiness()
>>> ts[1].tardiness()
>>> ts[2].tardiness()

Locking Protocols

What if two tasks both access a shared resource? Schedcat also contains blocking term bounds for various locking protocols. This can be integrated into schedulability tests as follows. In this example, the global O(m) locking protocol (OMLP) is assumed.

# load resource model
>>> import schedcat.model.resources as resources

# load blocking bounds
>>> import schedcat.locking.bounds as bounds

# initialize the resource model
>>> resources.initialize_resource_model(ts)

# task 0 and task 1 share resource 0 for 1 time unit each
>>> ts[0].resmodel[0].add_request(1)
>>> ts[1].resmodel[0].add_request(1)

# put all tasks in the same partition (global scheduling)
>>> for t in ts: t.partition = 0

# assign the priorities w.r.t. locking
>>> bounds.assign_edf_locking_prios(ts)

# inflate execution costs by blocking terms
>>> bounds.apply_global_omlp_bounds(ts, 3)

# test schedulability
>>> edf.is_schedulable(3, ts)

Next Steps

Schedcat provides many reusable components for schedulability, which are amenable to many different experimental design setups and processes such as how task sets are generated and tested.

To use schedcat as a library in your schedulability experiments, simply add the schedcat directory that is part of the repository to the PYTHONPATH environment variable.

For example, under bash, assuming that you cloned this repository to ${HOME}/work/schedcat, add the following line to your environment:

export PYTHONPATH=${HOME}/work/schedcat/schedcat:$PYTHONPATH

(Note that "schedcat" occurs twice in the path, once for the repository and once for the module.)

Alternatively, you can simply create a symlink from your experiment directory to the checked-out repository.

Running Large-Scale Experiments

Schedcat now includes functionality to help users setup and run experiments, and scale to many processing nodes. This functionality is provided by the schedcat.distributor module. A working example experiment that uses the schedcat.distributor module can be found in the examples directory.

Overview: schedcat.distributor implements a distributed work queue based on RPC using python's event-driven network engine twisted. Worker-client processes can be run locally, or on a remote processor, and connect to a central server. The server manages all of the schedulability tests to run, and stores the results in a simple sqlite database.

Server: An example schedulability-experiment server can be found in example/ The ExperimentManager will compute the cross product of all of the parameters given, e.g., the system utilization, number of processors, etc. The server script simply initializes the experiment, the distributor library manages dispatching the workload to the clients.

Client: An example schedulability-experiment client can be found in example/ While the distributor library provides most of the functionality to communicate with the server, the user must provide the necessary logic to actually run the necessary schedulability tests. In particular, the SchedulabilityClient is initialized with a factory that produces test objects, which when run, will call the user-specified tests (which may often make heavy use of functionality provided in the core of schedcat).

Tools: Along with the client and server libraries, which can be used to easily bootstrap an experiment, the distributor module includes a few helper tools. In particular, bin/ can be used to query or continuously poll a server to report the status of the experiment. bin/ can be used to online modify the termination conditions of the currently running experiment. This script, in addition to the fact that the distributor library allows experiments to be started and resumed, allows for coarse-grained experiments to be run, which can be later refined and studied in further detail. This allows a scientist to see relevant trends in experimental data quickly, without having to restart completely new experiments to see finer granularity.

The distributor module was developed by Bryan Ward. Please direct any feedback or suggestions regarding the distributor module to him.

Dependencies & Compilation

Python 2.7 is required. Schedcat further depends on the GNU arbitrary precision library GMP (most recent versions, including 4.3.2 and 5.0.4, work just fine) and the GMP C wrapper. During compilation, Swig is needed to generate a Python API for the C core (Swig 2.0.4 and Swig 1.3.40 are known to work).


Schedcat is known to work on both GNU/Linux and Mac OS X (both Snow Leopard and Lion). On Linux, it should compile "out of the box" if the GMP library is installed in /usr/lib, where most package managers place it by default.

Schedcat has been tested with g 4.4.5 on Debian "Squeeze" with the libgmp3c2, libgmp3-dev, libgmpxx4ldbl, swig, and g -4.4 packages installed.

Mac OS X

The Homebrew package manager provides the easiest way to install GNU GMP and Swig under Mac OS X.

Depending on where the GMP library is installed, you may have to provide a .config file in schedcat/native to provide the path to the GMP library in GMP_PATH. The .config file is read by the Makefile to override the default settings, which use the system Python and assume that the GMP library can be found in /usr/lib.

For example, suppose the Homebrew installation is located at /brew and Python 2.7.2 from Homebrew is used. A corresponding .config file would look as follows.

GMP_PATH = /brew

PYTHON_INC = -I /brew/Cellar/python/2.7.2/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/include/python2.7
PYTHON_LIB = -F/brew/Cellar/python/2.7.2/Frameworks -framework Python

Have a look at the Makefile in schedcat/native for further details.

Schedcat has been tested on Mac OS X 10.7 with both Apple's LLVM-based g 4.2.1 and the new clang 2.1, using Swig 2.0.4 and GMP 5.0.4 from Homebrew.


At this point, the library is largely undocumented. However, the library consists of (mostly) clean Python code; it is thus not too difficult to understand the code.

The unit test suite could use a lot more tests.

There is currently no, and hence also no support for virtualenv.

Python 3 is not supported at the moment.


Any improvements, bugfixes, or additional unit tests are very welcome! Please send pull requests or patches to Björn Brandenburg.


The Schedulability Test Collection And Toolkit






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  • C 48.2%
  • Python 46.8%
  • C 4.9%
  • Objective-C 0.1%